Disability – Awareness is the key to prevent or reduce

Disability – Awareness is the key to prevent or reduce. Advocacy, policy making, implementation should be the role of the government for both.The ultimate goal should be to make everyone independent and lead an active life.


Disability is a word for which the meaning that encompasses a larger territory in general than expected. In simpler terms there’s are considered as deviations from the average normal from what the standard of society that is expected. The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “The physical or mental condition that limits person’s movements, senses or activities”. So it is individualistic, but collectively can have a greater impact on the family or society.

December 3rd – Disability Awareness Day

Hence, it is very important to recognise at every level to anticipate, recognise and modify the situation that is congenial to modify the disability. This needs a collective effort. Fortunately, December 3rd has been declared as Disability Awareness Day. This awareness must percolate to many levels that include medical, social, educational and finally to the governmental level to create proper planning. Education and awareness play a significant role.

Primarily disabilities are considered to two gross reasons. One from the birth whatever may be the reason and the other is Acquired during life. For the first reason all parents must take the responsibility to the best extent possible till the child becomes independent in life. The latter becomes purely individual and social responsibility. Advocacy, policy making, implementation should be the role of the government for both.

Otherwise disability will be used rather misused to gain some special benefits only. Oxford dictionary also defines disability as “A disadvantage or handicap especially one imposed or recognised by law”. In reality the later definition is more often used and has better awareness in the society. Least importance is given for the first two causes and their prevention. Therefore awareness is the need of the hour.

Developmental birth defects or birth related insults are common causes of disability. Folic acid usage in the peri conceptual stage can prevent major Neurological defects. Fortification in the diet of expectant mothers, proper ultrasound screening, safe motherhood and delivery, good neonatal care, identification of high-risk group and proper attention can reduce the disability to a greater extent.

Proper diet, immunisation to prevent infections, early detection and treatment of many treatable conditions in time such as epilepsy can prevent the permanent disability. We need to create awareness about all these possibilities to all the parents regardless of their geographical or social background. Government must initiate suitable programmes to all such preventable disabilities and must implement successfully.


A host of causes can lead to permanent disability later in life. Road accidents, Stroke, Brain haemorrhage tops the list. There are many other medical diseases that follow. Indirectly Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, Alcoholism, smoking, drug abuse and Depression have become the leading causes. Interestingly many of them are preventable. This requires a multi prong approach where in each individual, family, society takes primary ownership amply supported by the government, law and the policies of the Nation.

Medical profession should remain the back bone of the entire process, in identifying all the regional problems, finding suitable solutions to prevent, diagnose and treat and support the government’s in forming appropriate policies. These must be nationwide and should be comprehensive. Last but not the least is the support programmes such as Rehabilitation, devices, technology adoption to amplify the ability, social structure that respects and offers equal rights to them to lead a contemporary life. The ultimate goal should be to make everyone independent and lead an active life.

Allovedas offers rehabilitation services

“Allovedas” is an integrated Neuro- Rehabilitation utilizing the combination of modern techniques and traditional methods to spring the best potential in every individual, with a goal to bring them back to the society with their best abilities. These therapies are tailor made to suite the individual illnesses, physique, mental & social abilities and to nurture them to come back to the fullest functional capabilities.

A combination of strategic interventions that are designed by highly experienced Neurologists and Neurosurgeons will be executed by skilled therapists to enable such distinct goals. The modern gadgets, technologies and specific physical interventions will be used to bring out the best in every neurological condition. Allovedas offers both inpatient and outpatient Rehabilitation services. The inpatient services are specifically meant to take care of people who cannot be managed at home. The family will be trained along to enable them to manage further. They remain with us till such confidence is gained. We want everyone to “Bounce Back” in life regardless of their illness.


Dr NK Venkataramana
Founder Chairman – Head of Neurosciences
BRAINS – Bengaluru

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