Cooking oil : Which oil is good for health?

Usage of unrefined and refined cooking oil is different in different regions. But which oil is good for health?

It is a routine using oils in cooking and for deep frying to increase taste and for energy. Body required fat for day to day activites. Usage of cooking oil is different in different regions. In north India they  cultivate mustared seed, In kerala they use coconut oil, in karnataka ground nut , sunflower oil, Europian countries olive oil, rice bran oil, soybean oil etc. Let us see how they are helpful to maintain health

Effect on the food fried in deep fat frying:

  1. Food absorbs oil when it is used for frying since oils are high energy foods, the energy value of the food is increased enormously.
  2. Apperance, taste and colour of the food is altered. Browing reactions take place.
  3. Porus surfaces like bread and adding more soda causes more absorbtion of oil. If moisture content of the material is higher, the more oil absorbtion.

The temperature of fat and the length of time of heating:

Cooking oil : Which oil is good for health?Food cooked at a lower temperature need to be cooked for a longer period. The longer the food remains in the fat, the greater the absorption. When oils are used again and again, the smoking point decreases, free fatty acid content increases and  consequently oil absorption increases.

The frying life of fats can be improved by filtering after use, storing in refrigerator. The smoke point is lower if a surface of fat is exposed, indicating the importance of using a deep rather than a shallow pan for frying in deep fat.

Different  forms of oils available in market:

Unrefined oil is oil that was processed with minimal to no heat. They are usually referred to as cold pressed or expeller pressed oil. Oils that you find labelled as raw, pure, virgin etc are all unrefined oils. These oils are the best oils for topical use as well as consumption.

Refined oils, on the other hand, have been bleached or deodorized to extract the maximum amount of oil. This process reduces the nutrients in the oil and compromises its effectiveness. If you can find the unrefined version of an oil, this is the best version. Refined oils would be ground nut  oil, rice bran oil and sunflower oil for instance.

Ground nut oil:

Peanut oil is traditionally used to prepare a deep-frying  because of its great taste and high smoke point. It is naturally trans fat-free, cholesterol  free, and low in saturated fats. Many are not aware that frying in 100% peanut oil is allergen-free as well. Peanut oil is high in unsaturated fats, especially monounsaturated fat. It is also a source of vitamin E and phytosterols, which benefit heart-health.

Mustered oil:

Mustard oil has high levels of both alpha-linolenic acid and erucic acid.Mustard oil is popular as a cooking oil in northern India and Pakistan and the chief ingredient of cooking oils used in the Bengali cuisine of Eastern India and Bangladesh. In the second half of the 20th century the popularity of mustard oil diminished a bit in Northern India and Pakistan due to the availability of mass-produced vegetable oils. It is still intricately embedded in the culture:

Olive oil:

Olive oil Olive oil is an important cooking oil in countries surrounding the Mediterranean, it has  beneficial effects on the overall health in combating coronary heart disease and cancer.

Seseme oil:

Sesame oil is most popular in Asia, especially in Korea, China, and the South Indian states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, where its widespread use is similar to that of olive oil in the Mediterranean.

Coconut oil:

South Indias use coconut oil for cooking and deep frying, studies have linked coconut oil to the following health benefits:

  • High lauric acid content can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It doesn’t increase LDL and helps keep arteries flexible and prevent atherosclerosis. Can increase bone strength by absorbtion of calcium and vit D and minerals.
  • Coconut oil can help boost metabolism. Since it travels directly to the liver, it is used for energy and not stored as fat. It also helps a feeling of satiety and can assist in weight loss.

Seseme oil:

Sesame oil is most popular in Asia, especially in Korea, China, and the South Indian states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, where its widespread use is similar to that of olive oil in the Mediterranean.

Sunflower oil—Sunflower oil lowers cholesterol levels. It increases the levels of HDL, there by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The linoleic acid in the oil also supports normal immune response. It is more abundant in vit E, linoleic acid and oleic acid.

Palm oil:

Palm oil contains saturated and unsaturated fats, Vit E, beta-carotene, refined oil do not  contain. Oil used in Africa, south asia and brazil. Excessive intake of palmitic acid which makes 44%of palm oil increases blood level of low-density cholesterol(LDL) total cholesterol, increase the risk of cardiovascular  disease.

Dr.Rekha - SDM ayurveda hospital & college

SDM ayurveda hospital & college

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