Good Nutrition, Infection and Corona – Basic understanding. Infection and malnutrition have always been intricately linked. Malnutrition is the primary cause of immunodeficiency worldwide, and we are learning more and
Let’s bust some of the most common and shocking myths about Obesity. Let’s take this opportunity to also understand more about the disease and the treatment options available in India.
Coronavirus – take precautions. As you are aware, 25-year-old software engineer from Bengaluru has tested positive for Covid-19 (coronavirus) , the situation demands more awareness amongst people to prevent and
A true story of an Isaac Syndrome patient. A gig’s world transformed into serious profiling in March’16 when I got diagnosed with a rare medical condition, Isaac Syndrome even called
Only 1 in 10 people with rare diseases receive targeted treatment in India. On Rare Diseases Day, the focus must be on awareness, better R&D, and making genetic carrier screening
Rare disease-right to hope. All that needed is to work towards common Goal in the best interest of Indian Rare Disease community. Some of the recent changes in the Indian
“A disease may be Rare but hope should not be” – Rare to the Rescue” . Yes 80% of rare diseases are genetic but there is lack of awareness and
What are Lipomas and how can it be treated? Lipomas are fatty lumps that grows between the skin and the underlying muscle. Treated by Medications, surgery or Minimally invasive stitch-less
Three cases confirmed in India- Corona virus a Pandemic? How to prevent corona virus infection? Awareness and prevention, not panic, are important in battling corona virus infection. Make sure to