Zenfold Ventures takes equity stake in Esperer Onco Nutrition.
Esperer nutri-therapies provide the much needed body strength for onco-patients to overcome the side effect of primary treatment providing better outcomes for onco-patients. Explaining the rationale behind the investment, Mr. Arun Dubey Managing Partner at Zenfold Ventures said “Zenfold’s investment & partnership outlook is sector and stage agnostic. At present some of the ventures we are building ,are in the space of Nutraceuticals. We believe EON has a very scientifically backed approach to nutrition and has strong capabilities to execute of the vision.”
“We are thrilled to have Zenfold Ventures as a strategic investor in EON, and this infusion will help us reach more cancer patients in a shorter time.”We plan to use the latest funds to expand our reach to the US and European markets and also to build a world-class talent pool”, added Mr. Chattopadhyay. Esperer nutrition has already expanded its team of experts in scientific and R& D departments and will also be adding key people in finance and marketing and supply chain.
Mr. Chattopadhyay explained, “EON takes responsible nutrition very seriously and studies it with respect to the science of biochemistry. With the scientific platform in place, the discovery of modified nutraceutical portfolio has been developed to suit different conditions of patients undergoing chemo. Esperer nutrition takes pride in having developed the world’s first condition-specific nutrition for oncology to impact quality health outcome.”