Wheatgrass Powder Benefits – From Field to Wellness

The Miraculous Benefits of Wheatgrass Powder helps for both preventive health care and to help speed up recovery without intervention when taken with any type of treatment.

Wheatgrass Powder Benefits

Diet occupies an important place during sickness and health. The Father of Modern Medicine and great Greek philosopher Hippocrates rightly said ‘Let thy food be thy medicine’. Nature has created food to provide us with nutrition required to maintain health and fight diseases. Our body has the inbuilt ability to heal itself if provided with proper diet, environment and exercise.

What is Wheatgrass?

Wheat Grass means the green vegetable leaves of the young wheat plant (Triticum Aestivum) grown for 7 days in tropical climates. When grown on a large scale it looks like grass, hence it’s called Wheatgrass.

Wheat Grass is known for its therapeutic value since ancient times in Naturopathy (Nature Cure) which is a branch of AYUSH systems of alternative medicine. Drinking the chlorophyll rich green juice of Wheatgrass is known to help in cancer treatment as it has Vit B17 (Laetrile B) which is a boon for the patients of cancer stage I and stage II.

Significance of Wheatgrass being good for health reflects in many Indian traditions. Hindus offer ‘Durva’ (green grass) to the elephant God Ganesha and grow Wheatgrass to worship for nine days during ‘Navratri’ (Durga Puja) festival every year.

Just like many other things of Indian origin, the popularity of Wheatgrass grew worldwide after it was highlighted in western countries. Dr. Charles Schnabel (1895-1974) of USA is considered as the father of Wheatgrass in modern times. He introduced the importance of Wheatgrass in 1930s followed by holistic health practitioner, naturopath and raw food advocate Dr. Ann Wigmore (1909-1994) who popularised the usage and benefits of Wheatgrass to the masses worldwide. She is the founder of Hippocrates Health Institute, USA and Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute, Mexico. Extensive research and publicity by them promoted Wheatgrass being hailed as – Panacea on Earth.

Dr. Ann Wigmore has mentioned the Biblical story about Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar who spent seven years, insane, living like a wild animal eating the grass of the fields and got cured. The common observation that dogs and cats nibble on grass, presumably when ill, strengthens our belief in the healing power of grasses.

Wheatgrass Powder:

The original concept of drinking fresh Wheatgrass juice is good but has limitations of growing in all weather conditions, urban spaces, low shelf life and difficult to transport to needy people in far off places. This lacuna promoted Wheatgrass conversion to Powder which is easy to use anywhere, anytime with all the benefits.

In today’s modern times, making the availability of Wheatgrass in Powder form has made its benefits accessible to needy people anywhere, anytime. Wheat Grass Powder is considered like a ‘naturopathic medicine’ super food as it contains more than 110 beneficial phytonutrients including Vitamin B17 (Laetrile B).

Wheatgrass in Powder form is nearest to the original concept of Wheatgrass Juice and proven as the most convenient, economical and efficient format of acquiring the health benefits of Wheatgrass for needy people worldwide. In fact, its observed to be more potent than even fresh Wheatgrass juice, tablets and capsules.

Benefits of Wheatgrass Powder:

Wheatgrass Powder has the maximum concentration of more than 190 beneficial phyto nutrients such as Chlorophyll, Vitamins (A, B12, C, E, B17), Folic Acid, Mineral, Flavonoids, 19 Amino acids including 9 EAA (essential amino acids), dietary fibre, etc which collectively makes it the most versatile natural health supplement that helps promote health and healing such as:

• Immunity: Helps improve natural immune (resistance) system
• Antioxidant: purifies blood & flush out toxins. Those who drink Wheatgrass Powder regularly can feel the detox effect as it reduces stress, changes the smell of sweat and urine to normal, boosts energy level, makes you feel fresh and energetic full day.
• Blood related diseases: Helps increase Haemoglobin (RBC) count in the blood to normal. Highly beneficial in Anaemia, Leukaemia and Thalassemia.
• Piles / Haemorrhoids: The fibre in Wheatgrass Powder along with other nutrients helps control blood sugar, cholesterol level, constipation, acidity, ulcers, etc. Wheatgrass Powder helps cure Piles in one month when taken 3g mixed in warm water plus honey twice a day (preferably in morning and evening) half an hour before food.
• Alkaline food: Help balance pH conditions towards neutral. Helps control Psoriasis.
• Blood & digestion: Highly effective to help combat blood & digestion related diseases ranging from Constipation to Cancer such as Anaemia, Thalassemia, Leukaemia, Obesity, Weight Loss, Diabetes, Constipation, Acidity, Ulcers, Colitis, Arthritis, etc.
• Reproductive health: Helps men to increases libido, sperm count, virility, vitality & sexual performance.
Helps women resolve reproductive health disorders, improve fertility and conceive.
• Weight loss: Highly effective to combat obesity & achieve weight loss with diet plans. Best way is to have a glass of Wheatgrass Powder with honey one hour before lunch and dinner. This will reduce the hunger pangs, craving for food and supplements necessary nutrition.
• Pimples: Face pack of Wheatgrass Powder (1 tsp Powder + ½ tsp milk + few drops of honey + a pinch of turmeric) helps solve many skin related problems such as acne, black / white heads, freckles, skin tan / burn, wounds, eczema, etc.
• Skin and muscle tone: Helps increase the skin glow, fairness, reduces wrinkles, tones muscles and thereby helps enhance health and beauty from inside and outside.

Girme’s Wheatgrass is focussed on authentic promotion of Wheat Grass Powder as per Naturopathic perspective since 1998. Pioneers then, leaders now in Wheatgrass. Supplies all over India and exports to many countries.
Directions For Use:
• Mix 3g Wheatgrass Powder in a glass having 275 ml warm water and drink on an empty stomach.
• A few drops of honey may be added to enhance taste.
• Increase powder quantity as per your body’s acceptance.
• Avoid any other food for half an hour before and after consumption (to help it absorb purely).
• SAFE for children above 5 years of age, the elderly, infirm & women trying to conceive, during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Healthy people should do one month’s course of Wheatgrass Powder after a gap of every 5 months as Preventive Health Care regimen to detox, refill nutrients and maintain immunity.

Hemant Girme- Girmes Wheatgrass

Hemant Girme
Girme’s Wheatgrass, Pune, Maharashtra.
Ph: +91 9822002042

Girmes Wheatgrass powder


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