Varicose Veins: Who suffer and why?

Varicose veins: Who suffer and why? It is becoming pandemic as an impact of our occupation and altered lifestyle. Although death due to varicose veins is very minimal but morbidity (illness) causes much misery and suffering as it occurs in prime time of life. Who suffer and why?

Varicose veins are becoming pandemic as an impact of our occupation and altered lifestyle. It is estimated that about 30% of all adults will get varicose veins at some point in their lives. Although they are more common in elderly but started effecting the younger generation below the age of 20-30 years as most of our jobs are prolong standing or sitting. Varicose veins are a lot more common in women than men because of anatomical or physiological functions.

Although death due to varicose veins is very minimal but morbidity (illness) causes much misery and suffering as it occurs in prime time of life.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are either discoloured, twisted, enlarged veins most commonly appear in legs and feet. There might be with no symptoms or heaviness, discomfort or mild aching or swelling. Though varicose veins are not considered as serious or emergency medical conditions but they can be more serious problems like unhealed ulcer which might require skin grafting or even amputation, if not treated in time and appropriate methods.

Common causes:

Natural causes:

a. Hereditary
b. Low pressure within veins as there is no active pumping organ like heart
c. Blood flow rates vary from high (during muscle contraction) to almost no flow during quiet standing or sitting positions
d. Effect of gravity
e. Collapsible nature of the venous wall
f. Large volume of blood carried in veins (64%), veins can expand to hold large amount of blood
g. Accelerated because of aging process
h. Person with previously multiple fracture in lower limb or major surgery
i. During or post pregnancy or after multiple delivery


• Obese or over weight
• Lack of exercise
• Habit of alcohol or smoking etc
• Prolong standing or sitting jobs; like teachers, security, police, sales person, paramedical staffs, building construction, bus conductors or drivers


• Any growth or causes increasing abdominal pressure
• Vascular (blood vessel) diseases such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
• Constipation or irregular bowels
• Blood clotting factor

Signs and symptoms:

1. Feeling of heaviness, fatigue, cramp, swelling in legs or feet
2. Discolouration of veins
3. Bulging or twisting of veins
4. Skin discolouration with or without itching
5. Unhealed ulcers etc.

Not having successful treatments / difficult to treat:

Possible conventional methods in treating varicose veins either with leg stocking (Compression socks) or surgery.

• Compression socks work by promoting improved blood flow in your legs. The compression of the socks gently pushes blood flow up the leg, helping to prevent swelling and even blood clots but cannot reverse the disease.
• Research articles states that varicose vein surgery is characterized by high recurrence rate of 60% after 5 years of follow-up observation, and this is a disappointing finding, both for the patient and surgeon. Because the problematic veins that are not allowing proper blood flow are cauterized and closed or removed. This causes the blood moving towards heart to re-route itself into nearby, healthier veins. Which is like permanent routing of vehicles running through a highway to regular roads, which always fail to take the load either soon or later. The surgery might not be adequate or progression of pre-existing varicose veins in other veins or cause for the disease is not addressed properly

Precautions to prevent:

1. About 3-inch feet end elevation while sleeping
2. Don’t sit or stand for long period’s
3. Treat constipation
4. Reduce overweight and obesity
5. Do enough exercise – walking, yoga, stretching etc.
6. Stop smoking
7. Oil massage in upward direction from feet
8. Wearing stockings in case of long distance travelling or prolong standing
9. Regular physical activity; walking, simple stretching, yoga etc.
10. Avoid long distance road travelling or prefer train travelling
11. Periodically consultations with Dr if problem persist

Also read Dr. URAL’s Healing Touch for Varicose Veins

Dr M V Ural
Dr Ural’s Varicose Veins Ayurveda Care
Ph 8105371042

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