Naturopathic treatment for Hypertension: it is an elevated blood pressure, where systolic pressure is more than 160 mm hg and diastolic pressure is more than 95 mm hg. Blood pressure
Orange fruits and its health benefits. Oranges are low in calories and full of nutrients, they promote clear, healthy skin and can help to lower the risk for many diseases.
How AIDS can be managed by yoga and diet therapy? AIDS can be treated naturally. Researchers have found diet therapy and yoga is very effective for AIDS. In 1981, homosexual
Hugging as a medicine- the power of touch, is often touted as a good way to solve a problem. Of course, hugs can help in many situations, from showing appreciation
Superfood saffron has impressive variety of plant compounds that act as antioxidants – molecules. It also improves the immune system’s ability to fight off viral infections. Saffron is harvested by