Summer, summer and summer….?

SummerSummer again! Heat, dehydration, sun strokes, skin darkening and every summer problem is back. Don’t worry you can fight all these problems with simple solutions. With summer vacation parents should take an active role in promoting routine. Any vacation is a good vacation. But the best ones can calm your mind, refresh your body, revive your relationships, and maybe even extend your life.

Hence summer care is necessary here are some tips:

  • Recommended Diet: The recommended diet during this season comprises khir made from milk and rice, fresh fruit juice, lemon sherbet, other fluids that are unctuous and sweet. These provide strength along with a pleasing satisfaction. Try out juices of grapes, watermelon, banana, jack fruit, lemon and pineapple during summer. Consumption of fruits and juices reduces body heat. Get plenty of sleep and eat light, nutritious, and non-fatty meals.
  • Summer Skin Care: Changes in season affect our skin a lot and our skin becomes dull and rough. We need to do special care of our skin with changes in season. Use sunscreen or sun block everyday. Don’t skip the moisturizer, applying alcohol-free deodorants and getting pedicures done once in two weeks.
  • Going on a summer vacation: There are no guarantees, of course, but a few simple steps can help you avoid medical mishaps while you’re away from home. Stay a safe distance away from diving boards, platforms, and floats. Learn to swim and dive well enough so that you can survive in the water in an emergency. Be careful about Insect Bites and Stings, Keep food covered as much as possible when outdoors, and avoid brightly coloured clothing. Eat and drink in moderation (especially alcohol ) the night before a trip
  • Summer hare care: Protect your hair by following these steps routinely – Letting your hair down might just be one of the things you shouldn’t do in the summers. Wear hats or scarves whenever possible, Wet your hair down before swimming, Drink plenty of water, Keep your hair knotted or wear buns or plats, Limit your use of “hot” items on your hair such as a blow dryers and curling irons and Try washing your hair less often. From this your hair will stay looking fabulous, shiny, healthy, vibrant, and damage-free.

Summer dress: Dress in light, loose, cotton clothing. Wide-brimmed hats help keep you cool as well.

Summer eye care: Restful sleep for six to eight hours, Wear dark glasses, while driving motorcycle, always wears protective eyeglasses.


D A Kalpaja
Chairperson, VIMS and RC

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