Solution to covid through Indian Vedic medical astrology and through the fundamental and basic principles of Siddha Vaidhya Sasthra is discussed here with a different perspective about the spread of covid-19. One may think why and how this deadly viruses are connected with Vedic astrology? Is it logic? Definitely yes, as far as Siddha Vaidya Sasthra is concerned.
May be a great change is happening to the world.
Situation is Alarming !! Corona virus – India recorded nearly 50 delta plus variants ( The Hindu June 25 , 2021 ). The Delta variant significantly more transmissible strain of Covid 19 is expected to become a ‘ Dominant lineage ‘. It was reported in 85 countries. Delta is the one identified in India. The proportion of cases with variants of concerns had risen from 10.31 % in May 2021 to 51 % on 20th June 2021.
B 16173 , B 11318 , lambda , Kappa are the new variants. Expecting a 14 mutated variants for B 11318. Investigation on June 23 Kappa, another sibling of the delta variant too needs to be closely monitored. Lambda is yet to make its way into the country though it’s fast spreading across the the globe .
Siddha system of medicine:
Before the Aryans occupied the Sindhu region and Gangetic plain , there existed in the south on the banks of the rivers Cauvery , vagai , and thampirabharani , a civilisation which was highly organised .This civilisation had a system of medicine called Siddha system of medicine. According to historians Dravidian Race was the cult originated in South India . And this traditional medicine is a Nectar of Dravidian culture where Sage AGASTHYA and his disciples 18 SIDDHARS spreaded it across the planet .That is why southern peninsula is believed to be the ‘ cradle of Human Race ‘.
Siddha system includes 18 sastras . Naadi sastra , Marma Sootras, Ganitha sastra , Sankya philosophy , Astangayoga are some of the branches of siddha system of Medicine . Siddha vaidyam can be considered as the Mother of all medical systems. Thirumoolar , Bogarnathar , Thiruvalluvar Patanjali , Dhanwantari are few among the 18 siddhars.
Here I am discussing a different perspective about the spread of covid-19 and solution through Indian Vedic medical astrology and through the fundamental and basic principles of Siddha Vaidhya Sasthra. One may think why and how this deadly viruses are connected with Vedic astrology? Is it logic? Definitely yes, as far as Siddha Vaidya Sasthra is concerned.
Before discussing this chapter let me point out a fact that if you are into this profession dealing with the traditional system of medicines like Ayurveda and Siddha you please make sure that you are prepared to accept the whole theories and concepts as it is as a whole. Because these two giant systems were contributed by Rishi Paramparas what we call as Siddhars in Tamil , those who attained perfection or Siddhis.
Who all are Siddhars?
They were supernatural human beings. They were men of highly cultured intellectual spiritual faculties combined with super natural powers what we call as Ashtama Siddhis. Siddhars through their yogic and spiritual practices have attained great knowledge and experience about vatham, vaidhyam, Pranayamam meditation all comes under yogam.
And what’s Jnanam , it’s knowledge about almighty. And they were experts in astronomy. Through their inner visions they dealt with cosmos, the celestial bodies like earth, sun, moon, all the nine planets, galaxies. In short they perfectly defined the physical universe as a whole. Say for example, Aryabhata who is considered as one among the great Indian mathematician and an astronomer of all age.
At the age of 23 Aryabhata wrote a classical treatise named Aryabhatiyam in 449AD. Till this date Aryabhatiyam is considered as one of the holy book referred by all the astrophysists and geometrical mathematicians in our country. Hence our first satellite Aryabhata was named after him. Aryabhata and his vedantic followers like Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracharya they perfectly defined the rotation, revolution, angular velocity, the inclination , diameter of the earth and they perfectly calculated the distance between the celestial bodies through geometric and arithmetic progression.
Aryabhata in fact the first person who taught us that the Earth is round. It suspended in space. It has its own axis to rotate around the sun. This was thousand years before when Copernicus published his Heliocentric theory. His notable works were on solar eclipse lunar eclipse and he well-defined about the reflection of light by moon. Again you may wonder the relevance of astronomers like Aryabhatan and Brahmagupta in this covid era. Please don’t be judgemental. This is just an attempt to correlate the universe with our human body.
One among the 18 Siddhars named Sattaimuni in his book ‘Sattaimuni Jnanam’ says
” Andathil ullathe pindam
Pindathil ullathe andam
Andamum pindamum onre
Arinthuthaan paarkumpothe”
This could be translated as the things or elements found in the macrocosm is present in the microcosm. The things or elements found in the microcosm are found in the macrocosm . Microcosm and macrocosm are one and the same when the self realisation becomes complete. Here man is said to be the microcosm and the world, the universe around us is said to be the macrocosm. What exist in the macrocosm exist in the man and what exist in man it exist in the universe. Further the active force between the macrocosm and microcosm are one and the same. This age old theory said by Siddhars are correlated with the most modern space theories by ISRO and NASA.
The universe, we humans are made up of star dust:
According to the latest research said by the nuclear scientists and astrophysicists confirms that the cosmos, the galaxies, the universe are made up of star dust. What is a star dust? It’s well known as extra terrestrial dust or cosmic dust. The dust which we can see in the outer space and it’s below 0.1 micro mm. It consists mainly of elements like carbon nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, helium, silicates, magnesium etc…. In short universe is made up of 20 building blocks .
We humans, we all are made up of the same stardust as that of the universe. In a single human being we can see 20000 to 25000 genes. And if we cut down a gene we can see DNA and its structures. If we cut a DNA we can see the proteins and amino acids with the same building blocks, which means every organs are made up of different combinations of the same building blocks like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulphur. Researches says 92 to 93 percentage of elements which we find in the universe is found in the human body .
Even the stardust in the cosmic and water vapours, the rain, the clouds has connections. According to the latest theories said by astrophysicists stardust and the rain drops forms through a similar process called as swirling of dust particles. Siddhars through the Siddha science correlate our vital organs of our body with that of the planets in the universe.
The sun and moon influences our human body:
Heart is related to Sun, brain is related to Moon, lungs is related to Mercury, liver is related to Jupiter, kidney is related to Venus, gall bladder is related to Mars. In fact all the forces in the Cosmos acts in an abnormal manner to cause diseases in human body and it brings diseases on Earth. It highly influences the earth’s atmospheric conditions like earth quakes, flood, lightning, thunders, storms, tornadoes, forest fires etc.
The external air corresponds to our internal Vaayu, the external heat corresponds to our internal Agni (the digestive fire), the external water corresponds to our internal Kapha. Man consumes water and food and breath air to maintain a minimum temperature in our body. He is alive only because of the life force given by the space the Ether.
The Siddha system firmly believes that any change in the elementary conditions in the nature or the universe has its influence in the elementary conditions in our body through the process of Panchabootha Panjeekaranam. Universe and our human body made up of five elements like Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.
1. Prithvi bootha
2. Jala bootha
3. Agni bootha
4. Vayu bootha and
5. Aakaaya bootha.
The age old concepts by the Siddhars about the acting forces between the macrocosm and the microcosm can be easily correlated with the gravitational force between the celestial bodies. For example, the gravitational force exerted by the sun and moon can bulge the water in the ocean causing a continuous process between a higher and lower tide. At the same time the wheezing agravates in an asthma patient. Sun and moon both influences our ocean tides . But moon plays an important role than the sun because moon is so closer to our planet. This is the finest example to prove that gravitational pull exerted by the sun and moon influences our human body.
Jupiter – guru of all devas:
According to vedic astrology, the giant planet of our solar system, the Jupiter travels through three Rashiis with in an year. This is a rare phenomenon recorded before 793 years back. According to Vedic literature Jupiter is termed as Brihaspati or Wisdom or Guru of all Devas. With its enormous gravitational pull or mass, it plays a protective role by defending the comets and asteroids which might hit our planet Earth. Here Jupiter has created a stable environment for life to evolve here. Not only earth, Jupiter safeguards the other planets like Mercury Venus and Mars.
Jupiter travels through three Rashiis is termed as Vasundhara Yoga. In vedic literatures Vasundhara Yoga is well explained as ,
“Eka samvalsare jeeve
Thre raashi upaagathe
Sapthakodi Janaan hanthe
Loke bahu vinaashakrith”
That means, with in an year if Jupiter transits through three raashiis seven crores of species and humans will get affected. It’s a disaster for our Earth. 2/3rd of population in our country will vanish from the planet. Locust may fly, agriculture sector may colapse, people may die of hunger, unknown origin of diseases may happen (viral diseases, swine flu). This is what we call as Vasundharayoga.
Agnimaarutha yoga:
Next is Agnimaarutha yoga. There is a super conjunction between Mars and Saturn. Mars is agni and Saturn is Vaayu. It contains hydrogen and helium. What will happen when Agni and Vaayu comes together? When fire and air comes together it will explode like any thing. This might be the cause for the fire attacks which happened in Amazon forests, Australian forests and recently the Uttarakhand forests. This is what we call as Agnimaarutha yoga.
Kaalsarpa yoga:
Next is Kaalsarpa yoga. In Vedic literatures its clearly defined as..
“Raahu kethur duyar maddhye
Yatha sapthagrahasthithi
Kaalasarpakhya yogam
Loke bahu vinaashakrith”
There will be disasters like earth quakes, flood, tornadoes, weakening of dams, etc. According to Siddha Vaidya Shastra this is Navagraha dosha. There is a tripple conjunction between Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. There is a tripple conjunction between Kalasarpa Yoga, Vasundhara Yoga and Agnimaarutha yoga. Before yugas Siddhars in their treatise have clearly mentioned about this disaster.
In an article published in 2018 by the HODs of toxicology and forensic medicine of National Institute of Siddha, Tamil Nadu says that relevance of medical astrology on diagnosing a disease much earlier than it appears in the body. This article was published in an international journal of Jyothisha research. The aim of study was to bring the relevance of medical astrology in human life. Article concludes as Siddhars in that era, before yugas, used medical astrology as a diagnostic tool to predict the disease and to fix a treatment protocol for the patients.
Siddhars used medical astrology and pathology at the same point. They wrote treatise on many diseases that may occur in the Kaliyuga. In their vision if they can predict the diseases before yugas, there is no doubt that they would have written the remedies and solutions for these diseases also.
Is it a beginning of a new era?
When kaalachakra rotates important events or beginning of a new era can be observed in the Universe. After Dwapara Yuga , the KALIYUG started exactly on BC 3102 Feb.18 11:55 pm when there occurred a planet parade what we call Aries point in Astrology .All the nine planets lined up on the same plane , that was the moment KALIYUG has Begun.
After Vasundara Yoga in 2020 , GURUPURNIMA on July 4, 2020 there occurred the same Planet parade , May be a Beginning of a New Era in KALIYUG , Surprisingly Dec.21 st 2020 showed another rare event in history. That day the planet Jupiter and Saturn came in close connection after 800 years .
Great Saturn and Jupiter conjunction lights up on Dec 21 2021.The German astronomer Johannes Kepler wrote in 1614 that he believed the ‘ Star of Bethlehem ‘ may have been a conjunction of Jupiter n Saturn . All these signs including the changes in Betelguese star ( Thiruvathira Nakshatra ) in Orion constellation is a Big Treat for all astronomers all over the world right from 2017 to 2021.
The solutions and remedies for this disaster is also forseen by our siddhars …In my next part we will be discussing about the medicines to prevent Covid 19 permitted by Govt.of India with some Health Tips based on Siddha literatures to improve our immunity and will make sure that we are ready to Fight against COVID 19 .
May be a Great Change is happening to the world.
Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bavandhu.

Dr Renil Raj
Medical Officer – Siddha Unit
District Ayurveda Hospital
Padannakkad Kasaragod Dt
Kerala state
Mob: 98473 43462