Self-Discovery with holistic healing

Self-Discovery with holistic healing can lead your path to your unlimited  potential and a fulfilled life as it balances all areas of life. If these outlooks are fused and strengthened well being, person will be fit for life time.

Self-discovery-with-self-healingIf you don’t fall sick you are vital, creative, passionate and have an inner power that is designed to do great things for you, your loved ones and the world. The sacred texts define the human body in 5 sheaths Koshas or 5 aspects.

1. Physical wellbeing- (annamaya kosa):

Did you know the human body was not designed to sit for more than a few hours in a day. There are two main factors that require attention- Gut health and physical activity. Researchers have shown that both men and women who report increased levels of physical activity and fitness have reductions in relative risk of death (by about 20%–35%).

It is alarming that as young as children under the age of 5 years are hooked to watching a screen for hours can change their posture forever.

3 things you can do everyday if you are not motivated to workout:

1. Work on your posture, stretch your body for 10 minutes after every 2 hours , take a break from work or being the couch potato.

2. Do spot jogging for 10 minutes 3 times a day to slowly help you start a routine.

3. Play treasure hunt, walk a pet, dance to break the routine of the day.Regular physical activities can improve your muscle strength, boost your endurance and you have more energy to tackle daily stressors.

2. Energy wellbeing- (pranamaya kosa):

Did you know we have more than 72,000 nadis or subtle energy channels according to Samhita sacred texts. When this system flows freely we are vital and healthy; when the flow becomes weak or congested, we struggle with poor mental and physical health.

3 things you can do to ensure balance in your body:

1. Yogic practice of hand mudras similar to reflexology. Each finger represents an element ( Tatva) that helps the flow of subtle energy through the Neural Network in the body.

2. Massage therapy a systematic review and meta-analysis of a study showed improved pain, anxiety,insomnia and depression in people.

3. Breath work and pranayama helps strengthen the connection of the mind and body. It balances the internal energetic flow in the body, helps relaxation and mindfulness.

3. Mental wellbeing – (manomaya kosa):

Recently, there has been significant research emerging on the connection between gut flora and mental health. Scientists at UCLA showed a direct link between probiotics consumed and elevated amounts of the important mood regulating neurotransmitters. There are many dimensions of the manasa ( mind) according to the vedic texts. Memory is the root cause of many mental issues and  plays an important role in mental well-being, it can create despair or miracles.

3 things you can practice for Mental well-being:

1. Studies show that activating the brain with regular brain exercises over time increases the volume of the hippocampus, a key part of the brain’s memory. It also improves many aspects of people’s thinking. You can practice simple brain exercises everyday for 5 minutes each day.

2. To engage in something you are passionate about for 30 minutes to an hour each day. Reading, painting, video games, singing, solving puzzels, anything that can give you joy, self appreciation and peace.

3. Music Therapy, guided meditation, visualisation techniques, professional self talk tools can be therapeutic.

4. Intellect wellbeing – (vijnanamaya kosa):

Life can be lived in only two ways, either you survive it, or you live it. If you are constantly struggling to stay afloat because of future fears or existing worries, then you are surviving. If you are living in the moment with joy and bliss then you are living. Intellect can be limiting when it is practical, living with awareness and wonder can give you optimal health and unlimited potential.

If you have a purpose, a calling beyond your mundane life, then you will be motivated, vital, joyful as you serve, help and do more than you ever imagined. Find your purpose and in the meanwhile the best way is to do volunteer work, work with an initiative, ngo and help as many people as you can.

5. Bliss –Social wellbeing- (anandamaya kosa ):

Human beings are a social species that relies on support to survive and thrive.  When you experience a social snub, a cruel word, an insult it almost feels like a physical pain. Our need to connect is as necessary as our need for food, water and basics.

1. How is your relationship with yourself? are you using self sabotaging behaviours and don’t love your self enough.

2. Learn and practice yogasanas for self confidence, public speaking and social skills with the constantly changing world.

3. Talk to a professional if you have recurring thoughts of feeling lonely, talking to someone is therapeutic.

Dr Larra Shah  Celebrity Holistic Healer and Astro Science expert and life coach

Dr Larra Shah 

Celebrity Holistic Healer and Astro Science expert and life coach

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