Sakra World Hospital has launched its Shoulder Centre recently. This centre is a one-of-its-kind dedicated specialized shoulder care centre in Karnataka and will offer advanced state of the art surgeries for shoulder and upper limb. This Shoulder Centre is equipped with highly specialized team and will cater to sports injuries from various sporting bodies and organizations and non-sporting shoulder injuries from patients across India.
This centre of excellence is spearheaded by Dr. Banarji B H, Senior Consultant, Department of Orthopaedics, Sakra World Hospital. Dr. Banarji, an upper limb orthopaedic specialist surgeon, specializes in shoulders, upper limbs disorder, arthroscopy and sports medicine. He has performed over 3,000 shoulder surgeries, which include highly skilled endoscopic reconstructive procedures like reconstruction of ligaments, shoulder stabilisation procedures and shoulder and elbow joint replacement through keyhole surgeries. Dr. Banarji is the first surgeon in the state to have conducted innovative endoscopic surgeries of shoulder.
The center offers routine surgical procedures including Endoscopic Reconstructive Procedures, Reconstruction of Ligaments, Shoulder Stabilisation Procedures and Shoulder and Total Elbow Joint Replacement; unique surgical procedures comprising of Arthroscopic AC Joint Repair, Arthroscopic Suprascapular nerve decompression, Arthroscopic Transosseous Rotator Cuff Repair. The center is equipped with computer navigation system, intraoperative CT scan, high definition cameras, Arthroscopic Equipment for performing technically challenging procedures, cutting edge imaging technologies and a skeletomuscular rehabilitation facility spanning 7,000 sq. ft.
“Injuries on the field during a match or practice sessions are extremely common and are known to put a lot of successful careers to rest. Throughout my professional arm-wrestling career and now as a coach, I have always believed in providing the best of medical intervention and rehabilitation to all of our players. I am delighted to see the world-class facilities and expertise at Sakra Shoulder Centre. I am sure, that under the expert care of Dr. Banarji and team, we can be rest assured regarding the quality of treatment provided to athletes and other patients.” said Mr. Igor Mazurenko, President, PAL.