Reasons and Solutions to Covid 19 through the Siddha System of Medicines wherein Science meets Spirituality is discussed here. Siddha Vaidya Shasthra is a traditional System of Health Care, of Indian Origin, which is all about Nature and ways of life & maintenance of health in Harmony with Nature.
Introduction to Siddha Vaidya Shasthra:
There is a famous quote from Sanathana Dharma of India, that says:
“Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshitha”
In simple words, it may be interpreted as:
‘Nature Would Protect us, Provided we Preserve Nature.’
Siddha Vaidya Shasthra is a Traditional System of Health Care, of Indian Origin, which is all about Nature and ways of life & maintenance of health in Harmony with Nature. I’m a Senior Medical Officer (Siddha), District Ayurveda Hospital Padnekad, Kasaragod, Kerala, India. I hail from a blessed place, Kanhangad in Kerala, the God’s Own Country, very near to the world famous Anandashram and Nithyanandashram, and belong to that lineage.
Origin of Siddha Vaidya Shasthra:
The Siddha System of Medicines dates back to be organised in 10000 BC – 4000 BC. It is the most ancient Medical System all over the world, and is considered as the mother of all medical systems. It is the nectar of Dravidian Civilization, the oldest and the most intellectually organised culture that existed even before the arrival of Aryan Civilization. South Indian inhabitants of Dravidian Civilization is said to be the first inhabitants on Earth and hence this civilization is called the Cradle of Mankind. According to Geographical Scientists, Lemuria was the first continent on Earth, and according to Linguistic Studies, Tamil is the mother of all South Indian Languages.
Dravidian Civilization starts with Adiyogi Lord Shiva and progresses through his Ardhaangini (consort) Devi Parvathy and was taught to their Son Lord Murugan; then to Sage Agasthyar and his disciples, constituting the 18 Siddhars. Saint AGASTHYAR is known as the Father of Siddha Medicines and also of Tamil Literature. The Canopus star carved in the sky, that becomes visible from the Southern hemisphere of Earth, symbolically represents Saint Agasthyar. The same star appeared at the time of arrival of Jesus Christ.
Significance of Siddha Vaidya Shasthra:
With Reference to a previous letter from me to the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi, chiefly regarding Reasons & Solutions to COVID – 19, I would like to invite your kind attention to the greatest threats that our planet earth is currently facing and would like to point out the Actual REASONS as well as Effective SOLUTIONS to it, through the Siddha System of Medicines, wherein Science meets Spirituality.
As we all know, the most recent and greatest threat to human life on earth was COVID – 19, which still remains unresolved, in spite of all the efforts taken by experts from all other branches of medical science. There lies the significance of Siddha Vaidya Shastra, as this system provides the most effective solution to COVID – 19. In fact, Siddha Vaidya is a complete system of medicines that can bring about the well-being of all, in every respect.
Role of Vedic Medical Astrology:
Astrology is an inevitable part of Siddha System of Medicines. Siddhars made use of Medical Astrology in an early forecasting of diseases and disasters which might affect Humans and Our Planet Earth. *(Article from National institute of Siddha, Chennai).
HIPPOCRATES, the father of modern medicines, had once said that “A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician”. In a sense, Astrology is the logic behind Astronomy. Astronomical evidences as well as the observed influences of Celestial events on terrestrial events and on life on earth, indeed prove the authenticity of TRUE Astrological Predictions beyond doubt. The Important days of Ascension Masters are shown in this Universe through unique positions and patterns of stars, planets, etc. for the last three years, which play crucial role in predictions based on Astrology.
Role of Jupiter:
According to Ancient Indian Wisdom, Literature, Vedas, Upanishads, etc., the planet Jupiter (Also known as Vyazham or Brihaspathi, in Malayalam Language) is considered as the Cosmic Protector or Guru of all Gods of the Hindu Mythology. And the same Jupiter plays the most crucial role among all planets in the Solar system.
Its enormous gravity is what has been safeguarding life on earth so far, from the numerous severe asteroid attacks from space. Scientists also say that it was Jupiter itself, that was responsible for the asteroid attacks that caused the extinction of Dinosaurs.
Reason for Covid-19:
As mentioned earlier, in the Siddha System of Medicines, Vedic Medical Astrology is made use of, in an early forecasting of diseases and disasters which might affect human beings and our planet Earth. On this basis, the outbreak of the disease, COVID – 19, of unknown origin, in 2019, was in fact, on account of a Yogam called Vasundhara Yogam, which is the rarest of its kind. As per Vedic Medical Astrology, it happens when the planet Jupiter transits through three Rashis within a year. The consequences of Vasundhara Yogam are unknown origin of diseases and that locust may fly (Also said in Holy Quran).
Vasundhara refers to the Earth, whereas Jupiter, as you know, is the most massive planet, having the highest gravity among all planets in the Solar System.
Explanations for other Omens from the Universe:
After the outbreak of Corona, there was a conjunction of the planets Mars and Saturn, in 2020. In Astrology, it is termed Agni-Marutha Yogam, since Mars stands for Agni (Fire) & Saturn for Marutha or Vaayu (Air). This was the root cause of all the forest fires in Australia, Amazon, etc. Further, flight collisions are also most likely to occur, as a result of this Yoga. The adverse effects of the two Yogas, viz Vasundhara Yoga & Agni-Marutha Yoga, is further amplified by a third Yoga, that is Kaala Sarpa Yoga, whereby all those disasters like Floods, Earthquakes, Weakening of Dams (China flood 2021 Dam collapse – and Mullapperiyar Dam in Kerala), Tornadoes, Cloud bursts, Twisters, Tsunamies, etc. occur. Kaalsarpa Doshas can affect for over 54 years. Baba Vanga also had predicted that the earth is going to face huge disasters in 2023.
The recent earthquakes over the Himalayan Belt and the climatic disasters in this era were all previously predicted by Siddhars, and the effective solutions were also suggested by them. According to Siddha Literatures, this is due to Navagraha Dosha, and the only deity on earth that controls the influence of Navagraha (9 planets), is the Lord Murugan’s deity, made up of NAVAPASHANAKKETTU, which was consecrated by SAINT BOGAR (Saint BOYANG in China) at Pazhani Hills, under the Guidance of His Guru Sage Agasthyar.
In Siddha, NAVAPASHANAKKETTU, from the deity of Lord Murugan at Palani Temple, retrieved by pouring milk and panchamritha on the deity, is AN ELIXIR TO MANKIND TO BEAT ALL AILMENTS IN THIS KALIYUGA.
This deity was made by the South Indian Siddhar Bogar, who flew to China in an aircraft (Vimana – Whose evidences are found at Srirangapattana, Tamilnadu and can be compared to the most scientific UFOs) to spread the knowledge of Siddha Vaidya. Mercury was the fuel used in this aircraft. It was the path of Bogar that was later on followed by SAINT BODHIDHARMAN or TATMO (DAMO), who is believed to be a reincarnation of Saint Bogar.
Bodhidharman was the 21st enlightened Zen Buddhist who stepped into China from Pallava Dynasty, Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu of South India, (Chinese literature says that Bodhidharman came from South India) to spread his knowledge of Siddha Vaidya along with Martial Arts, in China. Bodhidharman knew traditional medicine techniques, nokku marmam, marma suthra (acupressure points – therapy based on vital energy points), Naadi Shasthra (Pulse diagnosis), yoga and other skills. He could even have control over others’ minds.
In a Letter from me to His Holiness Dalai Lama, at the time of the outbreak of Corona, it was mentioned that the reason for Corona is Karmic Doshas (adverse effects of all the wrong deeds in the past) and the Lack of True Spiritual Awareness. It’s origin dates back to the period of Bodhidharman, who was poisoned by the Chinese.
Traditional Chinese Medicines and Relation to Shaivasiddhaantham of India:
The Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) include various forms of herbal medicines and other practices, more than 3500 years old. Infact, this knowledge was taught to Chinese by Saint Bodhidharman. The Yin Yang theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine originated from the Arthanaareeshwara Sankalpa of Shaivasiddhaantham of India. It was from Shiva that Siddha Vaidya originated.
As per the Hindu Mythology, it is believed that Mount Kailas, close to Mount Himalayas, is the residence of Lord Shiva and Betelgeuse star is the Birth Star or Janma Nakshatra of Lord SHIVA. It is already known Geographically, that 3/4th of Earth’s climatology is controlled by Mount Kailas. And, according to Energy Scientists, Mount Kailas acts as the Cosmic Antenna of Planet Earth.
Further, according to astronomers, Betelguese star (Thiruvathira Nakshatra) in Orion Constellation is still a mystery with regard to its explosion expected to be observable in 2023. This explosion itself suggests the re-entry of the Dravidian Civilization, of which God Shiva is the Lord.
In the Shiva Panchakshari Manthra, “Om NaMaShiVaYa”, which is a means of worshipping God Shiva, OM represents COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, that can be attained through the opening of Pineal Gland, whose significance is already scientifically proven. Na stands for Prithvi (Earth), Ma for Jalam (Water), Shi for Agni (Fire), Va for Vayu (Air) & Ya for Akayam (Space). These are collectively known as Pancha Maha Bhoothas (‘Pancha’ simply means ‘five’).
The corresponding Kaala Doshas (adverse effects with respect to Kaalam or Time) are evident through recent earthquakes, floods, forest fires, spreading of corona viruses, asteroid attacks and so on. Symbolically it’s the cosmic dance of God SHIVA through the Pancha Maha Bhoothas, viz. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space, in the respective order. These were the main points about the real causes of whatever has been happening around us, on our earth, for the last few years. In every sense, GOD IS NEAR to us; but can be realized only through GURU.
Role of Guru:
I am a follower of the principles of Sanathana Dharma of Great India, through my Guru NAVAJYOTHI SHRI KARUNAKARA GURU, who is the founder of Santhigiri Ashram and Santhigiri Siddha Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Our Guru, in fact, was an embodiment of KARUNA (means compassion) and unconditional love for all. And Himself might be regarded as the Guru of the entire human community of the time.
The arrival of such a great Guru, at the end of Kaliyuga, was well predicted by LORD BUDDHA, as well as by the great French philosopher & astrologer NOSTRADAMUS. The prediction was that an Athmiya Acharya (Spiritual Master or Guru), in the name Metteyya or Maitreya (means Kindness or Compassion – KARUNA in Malayalam), would arise near the Thriveni Sangamam (Kanyakumari ) which is the meeting place of the three Oceans – the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal – at the Southernmost tip of India, WHERE THE ADORATION OF HIS ASHRAM WOULD BE HELD ON THURSDAYS (Vyazham in Malayalam). (And, as mentioned earlier, according to Vedas, Vyazham refers to the planet Jupiter, which is also known as DevaGuru or Guru of all Gods.)
The arrival of that Guru, Navajyothi Shri KARUNAKARA GURU, itself points towards the re-entry of Dravidian civilization. The deity that Guru used to worship was “OMKAARAM” on LOTUS, wherein OM represents COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, as mentioned earlier, and LOTUS represents SAHASRAARA CHAKRA, which is the highest energy centre of one’s body, that has DIRECT CONNECTION TO THE DIVINE.
GuruVani (Words from Brahmashree Karunakara Guru) says that it is the Karmic Doshas that are being reflected as Omens or warning signs through the Universe. Every sign from Nature, points towards the re-entry of Dravidian Civilisation. Further, there is a probability of the reappearance of the lost Continent Lemuria, that was submerged under the Indian Ocean, long ago. Vibrations and frequencies of the earth as a whole is getting modified to yield what may be called The New Earth. And it is said in the Holy Bible too, in the Book of Revelation. In fact, the Earth itself may be regarded as a living being and it is gradually heading towards its next incarnation.
The entire universe is now approaching higher dimensions. Events that never happened in the history of the Universe, have started happening. All these shows that the Earth is advancing towards a great beginning of the next Era. This is the transition from Kali Yuga to the next cycle of Yugas, starting with the next Sathya Yuga or Kritha Yuga, which, infact, is the Era of Truth and Righteousness. And we are fortunate enough to be a living part of this exciting period of time.
However, just as you know, the entire world is still under threat and human race is still at the point of being an endangered species. Guru Vani had already warned that the world would witness the most terrific changes and our planet Earth would be changing its path of evolution. Exactly that is what we have been witnessing, especially since the outbreak of the pandemic Covid – 19.
Solution to Covid – 19:
Covid – 19 virus mutants are still spreading all over the world. According to our Guru, Siddha System of Medicines is the only system that is capable of curing corona and of bringing humans back to a normal life. The medicines prepared in Nano sized particles is the only solution to inhibit the RNA polymerase Enzyme which supports the replication of virus. The penetrating capacity of Siddha Medicines is high above that from any other Traditional Medicine System of the world.
As per the study reports from WHO, the only possible method to detect the Post Covid Complications is the analysis through DNA studies and the determination of the possibilities of Post Covid Syndrome. The post Covid complications can only be prevented through integrating all the Traditional Indian Systems of Medicines like Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani and Siddha. Each of the traditional Indian systems is Unique and effective in its own way of healing & curing diseases.
Out of these, the Siddha System is blessed with lakhs of formulas to prevent chronic diseases. Siddha system is a vast science that mentions about 4448 variety of ailments and their cure in a natural way. Recent study says that autoimmune diseases are developing in those who are vaccinated against covid-19. Chances of Blood Clots are also mentioned.
The most effective solution to all Covid related complications, is to get the entire lifestyle corrected through Siddha Ways of Life & to follow its underlying Principles. A new Epigenetic lifestyle modification is to be adopted by all those who are affected with Covid-19. Just as stated above, DNA analysis is the ultimate solution to all probable complications in those who are already affected with Covid-19. My observations are basically through the practice of Ashtanga Yoga and Thirumoolar Yoga, which is the basis of Siddha Vaidya Shastra.
Scientific Facts and Supporting Evidences:
NAGA PARPAM is a Zinc Oxide based Nano medicine (of size less than 100 nanometers), that might be capable of treating Corona viruses. There are research studies that intercellular Zinc (Zn 2+) can inhibit RNA dependent RNA polymerase activity, thereby inhibiting the production of new baby Corona viruses.
The nano based Siddha Medicine Naga Parpam, at a dosage of 100 mg, 2 times a day, with milk or melted ghee, could be effective in treating Covid – 19 viruses. Further, Naga parpam by itself, is a great immune booster.
As we know, the Covid – 19 is made up of MRNA; it can rechange its structure by itself. It can self-replicate and mutate to any form, in accordance with the climatic conditions. The only medicines which can prove their efficacy against the replication of Corona virus are Parpam & Sindooram.
Sindooram & Parpam (Neettu Marunnu Muraikal), made up of nano-sized (of the order of 10 to the power minus 9 in magnitude) particles, with the addition of some new herbal medicines, can easily penetrate through the lipid layers of viruses and hence can be effective in the treatment of even the latest mutant Corona viruses. Thus, the addition of Some Unique Herbo mineral formulations can counteract Covid Complications. In short, Covid – 19 is a self- replicating medical robot and can be solved only through GURU.
Their Vision; Our Mission:
I am a product of the Gurukula Sampradaya in the Santhigiri Ashram founded by my Guru, NAVAJYOTHI SHRI KARUNAKARA GURU, and this is the one and only Ashram in the entire world, where there is a tradition called Darshana Parampara. Here the Guru communicates with his disciples through VISIONS. Further, Santhigiri Siddha Medical College, founded by our Guru, is the only institution where unique Siddha formulas are taught and Siddha Vaidya Shasthra is spread through the medium of English. Here we have thousands of formulae for the treatment of the pandemic Covid – 19 and its complications.
GURU had once predicted that someday, SIDDHA SYSTEM OF MEDICINES will rise above the Entire Health Community and every system of medicines will align with this Dravidian System. Guru’s unique Holistic Healthcare Philosophy enshrined in Righteousness aims at providing authentic healthcare through modern and ancient Indian Medicine Systems.
In Santhigiri, Guru has redefined the concept of healthcare through a ‘NAVA AROGYA DHARMA SIDDHANTHAM’, a New Doctrine of Healthcare Emphasizing Righteousness. Through this, the virtues of all medical systems are integrated, with a focus on Ayurveda, Siddha, Modern Medicines and Homoeopathy, encompassing the spiritual aspect, which is the most unique feature of healthcare in Santhigiri. Healing the sick is considered the most charitable mission among all the services rendered to humanity. The Ashram has started a health service mission called “KARUNYAM”, that aims at using the Traditional Indian Systems of Medicine.
Towards the Age of Wisdom:
Next revolutionary step in Health care system will be Genetic reengineering. According to Genetic Scientists and Researchers all over the world, Death will be an option by 2045. As per the reports of leading consulting companies like Deloitte and Mekinsy, the health care industry is moving from the Reactionary treatment-oriented mode to a Pro-active preventive mode. Preventive Health and Wellness, which now contributes only 20% of this entire health care industry, is expected to contribute more than 60% of health care industry by 2040.
Siddha is a vast science which could help in preventing Post Covid complications. Thousands of poly herbal formulations are there to prevent all chronic diseases. Siddha System of Medicines is the only system of Medicines in the entire world, which forecasts and explains reasons and solutions to diseases and disasters based on MEDICAL ASTROLOGY, that uses positions and alignments of stars and planets as an effective tool of diagnosis.
The most sacred and effective medical system of all times is undoubtedly the Siddha System, and its truly high time that we refrained from ignoring this Divinely Empowering Health Care System and paid due attention to its significant role in providing healing.
Once we join our hearts together and start taking necessary action to prevent post Covid complications through preventive health care systems of Siddha Vaidya Sastra, it would definitely be a remarkable step towards a great new beginning of a NEW ERA OF ENLIGHTENMENT. Together, let us restart our journey in a new direction, towards that NEW AGE OF WISDOM.
It would undoubtedly be a big boon to the entire mankind & civilization and would contribute towards safeguarding our mother Earth & Nature, which themselves are the fundamental resources that protect & preserve us with immense love & care.
New Era in the History of the Universe:
According to Vedas of Indian Mythology, the evolution in time has a cyclic nature and Yugas repeat at regular intervals. At present, we are at the verge of Kaliyuga, of which, in fact, Covid – 19 marks the beginning of a great end. Kaliyuga started on 18th February 3102 BC at 11:55 pm, when LORD KRISHNA, the Master of the previous Yuga (Era) called Dwapara Yuga, emerged into light, marking the end of that Yuga.
Astronomical observations and evidence reveal that the transition from one Yuga (Era) to the next is marked by some planetary alignments, wherein the Nine planets (including Pluto) of the Solar System align themselves in a row, just as it occurred at the time of transition from Dwapara Yuga to Kaliyuga, in 3102 BC. In Astrophysics, the state of this Navagraha Parade is termed ARIES POINT. But the exact science behind this alignment is still a mystery even to the Astronomers all over the world.
The next Navagraha Parade occurred on 4th July 2020 (the day celebrated as GURUPOORNIMA in India, on the Birthday of Vyasa Maharshi, who is the author of Vedas of Ancient India), which was a clear indication towards the next transition of Yugas. Now the cyclic transition is from Kali Yuga again to the next Sathya Yuga or Kritha Yuga. This Navagraha Parade was followed by the Great Planetary Conjunction on 21st December 2020, when the planet Jupiter came close to the planet Saturn. This kind of Conjunction, in fact, occurred after 800 years, and was unique in its pattern. Quite a similar pattern was observed at the time of Birth of Jesus Christ.
This symbolically points towards the re-entry of JESUS CHRIST, which was well predicted even in the HOLY QURAN, in the name Eesa Nabi. End times prophecy is being fulfilled, indicating Jesus Christ’s promised return and how to be prepared. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity” Luke 21:25-28.
Towards a New Beginning:
All these coincidences also point towards something good happening in favour of the entire world. To sum up, all the turbulent earth changes and even the celestial events are mainly attributed to Karmic Doshas, and the only SOLUTION is the wholehearted shifting to GOOD KARMAS through the revival of not only our words & deeds, but also our thoughts, based on TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS and re-establishing HARMONY WITH NATURE by means of SIDDHA ways of life. The essence of Sanathana Dharma and Aadi Shankara Darsana of India also says,
“Sathyam Vada; Dharmam Chara”
This simply means:
“Truth be spoken; Righteousness be practiced.”. Only then shall we hope that,
“In The End, Is A Great New Beginning.”!!!
“Lokaa Samasthaa Sukhino Bhavanthu”

Dr K N Renil Raj
Senior Medical Officer – Siddha
District Ayurveda Hospital
Padannakkad Kasaragod Dt
Kerala state
Mob: 98473 43462