Raho Safe distributes free Sanitary Pads to women-in-need in Delhi NCR and Rajasthan. The initiative is part of Raho Safe’s drive towards healthy menstruation practices during the pandemic.
According to the reports by the National Family Health Survey nearly 336 million women are menstruating in India and only about 121 million (roughly 42 percent) are using sanitary napkins, locally or commercially produced. Even though India has made great strides in addressing the taboo against menstruation and ensuring access to sanitary pads to those who cannot afford them; a lot still needs to be done.
Speaking about this, Vikas Bagaria, Founder, Pee Safe, said, “In continuation with Raho Safe’s vision of ensuring access to affordable and sustainable menstrual hygiene products for women, we recently distributed Raho Safe six sanitary pads each to approximately 1000 women in and around Delhi NCR and Rajasthan area. We also handed over sanitary pads to various Panchayat heads so that they could further send it to more women in their areas. We will be continuing this every month. The Covid-19 has affected the livelihoods of many people especially those who are already economically weak. Many in these socio-economic strata are therefore either reluctant to spend on sanitary pads or cannot buy them due to lack of monetary means. This could mean many girls and young women going back to their previous ways of handling periods by using rags, affecting their health in a major way. Our aim is to help them avoid this dilemma apart from raising awareness on the need for better hygiene and sanitation.”