Muniyal Ayurveda brings out health promotive immune boosting products

Muniyal Ayurveda, in the era of COVID pandemic brings out health promotive and restorative products for boosting immunity.

Novel Coronavirus has been tormenting the mankind. Nevertheless every disease from its inception has troubled mankind until specific therapeutic agents be it disease curing medicines or vaccines were invented. In such conditions, preventive and promotive health care has always gained primary focus. Ayurveda by its healthy regimen and immune boosting and immune modulating agents has been the forerunner in the race against disease.

Ayurveda also describes various medicines which are scientifically proven to possess antiviral and antibacterial properties. Muniyal Ayurveda bring out some of the very best and appropriate formulations for regular consumption to boost immunity and also restrict disease morbidity and mortality. In the era of COVID pandemic Muniyal Ayurveda brings out the following health promotive and restorative products .

Immune-Boosting-Products-from-Muniyal-Ayurveda1. Munibeyotic plus tablets – It is a unique combination of drugs indicated in infections, fevers, cold , cough, swellings, pain and bleeding disorders. It acts against the very root of a variety of viral diseases like Influenza, Dengue and Chikungunya, from the cause to even some remote complications .It is a potent antiviral preparation and is credited with US patent.

2. Hiranyaprasha drops – It is a potent immune booster and natural vitalizer with 22K pure and processed gold. The gold is in the form of bioactive Nano particles which can reach each and every cell thereby, strengthening the defence and promoting healthy growth and tissue repair. It is not only used as a regular immune booster in children but also in preventing geriatric illness. Its role in immune modulation and growth regulation makes it an effective adjuvant in cancer management.

3. Muniyal Swasthya Churna – Which Increases immunity and prevents Respiratory tract infections, provides a good and stable appetite and helps to maintain growth and improves cognitive functions in children.

4. Geriton Leha – It is a delicious and powerful blend of Ayurvedic herbs and minerals with multiple health benefits, which is 100% natural and devoid of any preservatives. It is has full of important minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It not only strengthens the immune system but also improves physical performance, increases mental alertness and efficiency. It strengthens the respiratory system, improves digestion and regularises bowel habits.

5. Single Herb Tablets- Medicinal plants organically cultivated as per the guidelines of Vrikshayurveda and carefully processed are provided in the form of single herb tablets such as Brahmi (Braintonic), Amalaki(Rejuvenative/Rasayana), Vibheetaki, (Cough formula), Hareetaki (for constipation), Punarnava(Diuretic), Shunti (Digestive), Guduchi (Rheumatoid Arthritis), Neem (infection), Ashwagandha (Aphrodisiac), Bhumyamalaki(Liver Tonic), Manjishtha(Blood purifier), Shatavari(Uterine tonic), Yashtimadhu(Health restorative). Even multiherb formulations Triphala, Trikatu and Dashamoola are useful as Restoratives, immune booster and immune modulatory other than their specific actions on various body and organ systems.

Muniyal-ayurveda.For the health benefit of large population, facility of this medicines are provided by Muniyal Ayurveda at multiple centers  like, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences and Hospital Manipal, Muniyal Ayurveda family clinics at Ajjarakadu Udupi and, Yenepoya Mall, Mallikatta Road, Kadri, Mangalore, Sri Ramakrishna Dharma Vaidyashrama Sanga, VT Road Mangalore and  also at the clinics of several representative doctors throughout the state.

For more information please free to Contact toll free no 18004253178 and 2526998

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