The TVC launched showcases how Malti, Deepika Padukone’s character in the movie, an acid attack survivorwins over odds with self-belief. Similarly, Medlife too is a brand that has won the trust of its consumers given that it offers genuine medicines at affordable rates to them. As part of the campaign, customers can avail a 30% discount on their purchase from the Medlife app.
Speaking about this, Ms. Meera Iyer, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Medlife, said, “We are happy to be the exclusive healthcare partners for the movie Chhapaak. Apart from brilliant performances by all the artists, the movie reinforces how believing in oneself can change things around for the better. Medlife also upholds the trust and belief of its consumers and guarantees that they receive only genuine medicines at affordable rates at the click of a button.”
About Medlife
An Easy and Faster Way To get Medicines Online. is an online pharmacy that aims at making healthcare delivery simple, accessible and affordable. To ensure this, Medlife has brought together doctors, pharmacist, path labs and consumers on a single platform. Medlife has a lot more to offer than just buying medicines online.