Jeeraka or cumin – A wonder herb from Indian kitchen

Jeeraka or cumin / Cuminum cyminum (also known as jeera) is a wonder spice that is used to flavor a variety of dishes across Indian cuisines.
B.N: Cuminum cyminum
Family: Umbellifeare

Vernacular names
Sanskrit: Jeeraka
English: Cumin
Hindi: Jeerak
Marathi: Jire
Telugu: Jelakari
Kannada: Jeerige
Tamil: Cheerakam
Malayalam: Jeerakam

जीरको जरणोऽजाजी कणा स्याद्दीर्घजीरकः | कृष्णजीरः सुगन्धश्च तथैवोद्गारशोधनः ||७३||
कालाजाजी तु सुषवी कालिका चोपकालिका | पृथ्वीका कारवी पृथ्वी पृथुकृष्णोपकुञ्चिका |
उपकुञ्ची च कुञ्ची च बृहज्जीरक इत्यपि ||७४|| जीरकत्रितयं रूक्षं कटूष्णं दीपनं लघु |
संग्राही पित्तलं मेध्यं गर्भाशयविशुद्धिकृत् ||७५|| ज्वरघ्नं पाचनं वृष्यं बल्यं रुच्यं कफापहम् |
चक्षुष्यं पवनाध्मानगुल्मच्छर्द्यतिसारहृत् ||७६|| (BhavaPrakasha Nighantu)

According to Ayurveda, cumin is one of Nature’s best overall tonics. In Sanskrit, cumin is known as Jiraka, which means “that which helps digestion”.


• Deerghajeeraka: Fruit is long in nature
• Gaurajeeraka: white variety
• Ajaji: Cumin
• Kanajeeraka: Small fruits
• Dipyaka: deigestive enhancer

Varieties (Charaka Samhita): Jeeraka dvaya
1. Jeeraka – Cuminum cyminum
2. Krishna jeeraka – Nigella sativum

Parts used: Fruits, Seeds
Cultivation: Jeeraka is cultivated in India, Italy, Bangladesh, China. The important growing states in India are Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh.

Rasa (taste)- Pungent, Bitter
Vırya (energy) –Hot
Vipaka (post-digestive effect) -Pungent
Guna (quality) -Light, Ununctous
Dosa effect –Balances Vata Kapha, Paccifies pitta
Dhatu (tissue) Plasma, blood, Reproductive
Srotas (channel) Digestive, Reproductive

Phyto chemistry
Cuminaldehyde, Cinnamaldehyde, 8-cineole, Cuminyl alcohol, Limonene, Linalool, Perillaldehyde, Terpinen-4-ol, Terpenoid aldehydes – cuminic aldehyde & someric menthadien carboxaldehydes, Monoterpenes – beta-pinene, p-cymene & gamma-terpinene.

Ruchya: improves taste
Sangrahi: Absorbent, useful in Malabsorption syndrome and diarrhea
Chakshushya: Good for eyes
Garbhashaya Vishodhana: Cleanses and detoxify the uterus
Deepana: improves digestion
Medhya: Improves intelligence
Hrudya: Cardiotonic
Pachana: Carminative
Jarana: Strengthen digestion
Vrushya: Aphrodisiac
Balya: Tonic

Chardi: Vomiting
Gulma: Tumors
Adhmana: Bloating, tympany
Atisarahara: Diarrhoea
Grahani: Sprue (Malabsorption syndrome)
Krumi: Worms
Shopha: Inflammations
Jwara: Fever
Ajeerna: Indigestion

Dosage: Seed powder- 3-6 gm

Pharmacological actions
Antimicrobial, Anti-diabetic, Antiepileptic, Antifertility, Anticancer, Antioxidant, Immunomodulator, Digestive, Increases concentration, Enhances memory, Reduces cholesterol, Weight loss, Relieve stress, Aphrodisiac, Pain reliever, Detoxify liver, Reduce menstrual cramps, Increases lactation in new mothers

Therapeutic application
• Cumin is an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants and anti-flatulent properties and is a great remedy to cure constipation, gas, bloating, heaviness etc.
• Chew a few cumin seeds to cure constipation.
• Mix half a spoon of powdered cumin into a glass of pomegranate juice to get relief from IBS.
• Mix equal amounts of powdered cumin and cardamom and take this three times a day to get relief from bloating due to gas.
• Make cumin tea with a piece of ginger to boost weak immune system affected by common cold.
• To maintain the immune system you can also replace normal water with cumin water by boiling one tsp cumin in 5 liters of water and drinking that instead.
• Cumin is an excellent source of iron for people with anemia.
• Consumption of cumin also helps regulate sleep pattern, especially for people who suffer from insomnia.
• Add powdered cumin to boiled water, allow it to cool and add a pinch of cardamom to it. Gargle with this water to keep your mouth fresh and free from any smell or mouth diseases.
• Consumption of cumin has also been known to helpful to people suffering from respiratory problems like bronchitis and asthma.
• Face pack of the paste mixed with powder of sandalwood and curcuma is useful for reliving the problem of acne. This face pack also improves the complexion.

Also read: Spices & Herbs

Classical Ayurveda preparations
Jeerakadimodaka, Jeerakadyachurnam, Jirakadyarishta, Pancha jeerakaristam, Bilvādileha, Hingwastak churna, Dhatri rasayan, Yogaraj guggul

Animal health
Worms, Indigestion, Impaction of rumen, Anorexia, Diarrhoea

Dr Kumar S K

Dr Kumar S K
Faculty TDU
Consulting Ayurveda Physician
IAIM Health care centre
Ayurveda and Yoga wellness Centre
The School of Ancient Wisdom, +91 98451 03838

The School of Anisient wisdom

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