Jackfruit a super fruit with full of nutrition

Jackfruit, the largest fruit is really a super food which has very surprising health benefits with high nutrients and immunity power. This fruit can be considered as a health supplement.

Jackfruit, also known as jack tree, or sometimes simply jack, is related to breadfruit and originated in India. It is part of the mulberry or fig family, found in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide including Southeast Asia, Africa, and Brazil.

The fruit contains fleshy bulbs and starchy seeds, both of which are used as food. This tree produces the highest yield and largest known edible fruit (average weight of 10 kg) than any other fruit tree species. It is the official state fruit of Kerala and India is one of the largest producer.

Nutritional Components:

The Jack is rich in phytonutrients such as phenols and flavonoids and has been studied for its potential antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer effects. Pulp has many valuable micronutrients including: Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Vitamin A, Zinc. Raw fruit flesh is a good source of carbohydrates.

A 100 g portion has 94 calories, 23 g carbohydrate, and 1.5 g fiber. One 100 g portion of fruit flesh can provide up to 25% of the recommended daily amount of niacin (vitamin B3), a key vitamin in energy production, nerve function, and hormone production.

The fruit seed can be boiled or roasted and preserved in syrup like chestnuts, or ground into a meal and blended with wheat flour. The pulp and seed are often ground together into a meal commonly eaten in Sri Lanka.

Jackfruit- super healthy fruit

1. Boosts the Immune System

Phenols, flavonoids, and lectins in the fruit are the most promising compounds to strengthen the immune system and suppress cancer cells. These phytochemicals are produced in the fruit fruit, peel, seeds, and wood. Jackfruit seed lectins increase white blood cells (mast cells) in the bone marrow suggesting a role for this extract in stimulating immune response. They activated an immune response against introduced pathogens by stimulating white blood cell production (mast cells and neutrophils) and increasing inflammatory cytokines (IL-17).

2. Has Antioxidant Effects


The antioxidant activity of jackfruit is linked to its phenolic and flavonoid content. These compounds are high in the jackfruit peel but also present in the fruit pulp, roots, twigs, and leaves. According to several studies, the high vitamin C, phenol, and flavonoid content of the jackfruit are correlated with its protective effects against free radicals involved in the development of diseases such as cancer.

3. May Reduce Inflammation

Jackfruit peel extracts inhibited the COX-1 inflammatory mediator in a way that was comparable to the standard anti-inflammatory drug, diclofenac. Jackfruit peel extracts and isolated flavonoids inhibited mediators (COX-1 and 2, nitric oxide, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α) associated with inflammation and septic shock.

4.  May Improve Digestion

The high fiber content in jackfruit pulp may help prevent constipation and support healthy bowel movements. Jackfruit seed contains prebiotic fiber that may support the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system

5.  May Support Heart Health

Jackfruit leaf extracts decreased total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and increased HDL cholesterol. This was likely due to the high content of antioxidant flavonoid in the extracts, specifically quercetin.

6. Is jackfruit good for cholesterol?  It Helps to reduces cholesterol 

The percentage of soluble fibre in jackfruit reaches its peak at raw jackfruit stage. Soluble fibre from fruits is the most superior quality and helps to remove cholesterol from your body.

7. It increases your longevity

Jackfruit, due to low acidity, is the only fruit that can be consumed as a meal replacing your regular carbohydrates such as wheat and rice in full or part.  So when we cook and consume raw jackfruit as a meal, the quantity consumed in one meal itself is more than the vegetable and fruit we consume in a whole week!

8. Enhances Vision

Being rich in vitamin A(Beta-Carotene), jackfruit provides a healthy nutrition for our eyes. It protects the eyes from bacterial and viral infection and also rids them of free radicals which might be harmful. It also saves the eyes from intense and harmful light waves like ultraviolet rays. It helps in improving the eyesight. It is especially effective in preventing degeneration of the retina and reduces the risk of cataract.

9.Prevents Ageing

The reason behind ageing is free radicals. These are produced in our body during high oxidative stress caused by pollution. Antioxidant rich in jackfruit destroys these free radicals which slows the ageing process down.

10. Strengthens Bones

Jackfruit is loaded with high amounts of calcium which strengthens the bones and potassium which reduces loss of calcium through kidneys. Symptoms of bone related disorders like arthritis; osteoporosis can be managed by consumption of jackfruit.


11. Improves Blood Quality

Jackfruit also contains a good amount of iron in it. A proper concentration of iron in our body helps prevents disorders like Anaemia. Iron also helps in aiding metabolism. vitamin C, magnesium and copper also help in improving the quality of the blood.

12.Prevents/Controls Asthma

Jackfruit helps control the imbalances in the body which result in controlling of the asthmatic attacks. Especially when the symptoms are triggered by the pollution, jackfruit helps control the symptoms by eliminating the free radicals being produced in the body due to the pollution which otherwise lead to asthmatic attacks.

13.Ensures a High Functioning Thyroid

Jackfruit being rich in copper which helps in thyroid metabolism especially in hormone production and absorption ensures a healthy and fit thyroid. It also helps people suffering from thyroid disorders.

14. Insomnia curer

Sleeping disorders can be cured by eating jackfruit, due to its richness with magnesium, acts as nerve system booster. Fatigue, stress and muscle weakness can also be treated by consuming jackfruit in daily diet for its rich content of vitamins such as thiamine and niacin (A portion of 100 g of jackfruit pulp provides 4 mg of niacin). It is also a perfect source of energy.

Halthy ways to add jackfruit:

1. Jackfruit Curry-You can easily add jackfruit as a main course vegetable curry: Steam the raw tender jack by adding a tspn of turmeric powder and leave for 4 whistles. Now take a pan add 5tbspn of coconut oil, 1tspn of mustard seeds, chopped onion, ginger garlic paste, green chilli paste, tomato, salt and add steamed vegetable to it. Stir for 10mins.Atlast add half tbspn of crushed fennel seed powder and half cup of coconut milk. Now the tasty COCONUTMILK JACK CURRY is ready to serve!

2. Healthiest Breakfast: A bowlful of jackfruit with a sprinkling of dry coconut scrapings and honey.




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