How and When to Drink – Water Therapy Part 2

Majority of us have a question How and When to Drink?  Drink Water – Early morning, after you get up from bed, (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1 to 1.5 ltrs of water i.e., 5 to 6 glasses. You may wash your face thereafter.

How and When to Drink Water

Importance of Water:
• Hydration: Water makes up a significant portion of our body, and staying hydrated is essential for regulating body temperature, lubricating joints, and supporting various physiological functions.
• Nutrient Transport: Water helps transport nutrients and oxygen to cells and tissues throughout the body, facilitating proper metabolism and cellular function.
• Waste Removal: Water plays a crucial role in flushing out waste products and toxins from the body through urine, sweat, and bowel movements, supporting kidney function and detoxification.
• Digestion and Absorption: Adequate water intake is necessary for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients, as it helps break down food particles and facilitates nutrient absorption in the digestive tract.
• Energy Production: Yes, Water is involved in energy metabolism processes, may be surprising but true because Water is the primary energy currency of the body.
• Brain Function: Proper hydration is essential for maintaining cognitive function, concentration, and mental clarity. Dehydration can impair cognitive performance and mood.
• Skin Health: Drinking enough water from the childhood helps to keep the skin hydrated, supple, and radiant, reducing the risk of dryness, wrinkles, and skin disorders.

How and When to Drink Water: As mentioned in the FIRST PART of this article you need to drink Water – Early morning, after you get up from bed, (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1 to 1.5 ltrs of water i.e., 5 to 6 glasses. You may wash your face thereafter.
• Thereafter, Drink Throughout the Day: It’s essential to drink water regularly throughout the day, rather than waiting until you feel thirsty. Thirst is a sign that your body is already in a state of dehydration.
• Stay Hydrated During Meals: Drink 1 glass of water 30 minutes before Lunch and Dinner and avoid excessive consumption immediately before or during meals, as it can dilute stomach acid and impair digestion.
• Sip Water Between your Meals: Drink water between meals to stay hydrated throughout the day. Carry a reusable water bottle with you to ensure easy access to water wherever you go.
Listen to Your Body: Your Body is your Real partner so pay attention to your body’s signals for thirst and hydration. If you feel thirsty, drink water, and if you’re urinating frequently and the urine is pale yellow, it’s a sign that you’re adequately hydrated.
• Stay Hydrated During Physical Activity: Drink water before, during, and after exercise to replace fluid lost through sweating and maintain hydration levels. Adjust your water intake based on the duration and intensity of your workouts and also adjust the intake based on the seasons too.
• Consider Environmental Factors: Increase your water intake during hot weather, high altitude, or in dry indoor environments, as these conditions can increase the risk of dehydration.
• Limit Dehydrating Beverages: Limit consumption of dehydrating beverages such as caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, which can increase fluid loss and impair hydration.
By prioritizing hydration and following these guidelines for how and when to drink water, you can maintain optimal hydration levels, support overall health, and enhance your body’s performance and vitality.
Your Body is Your Real Friend so; please spread this message to your friends, relatives and Neighbours. It is a great service to the cause of humanity.

Ajitkumarr - Director - Aavishjia Private Limited

Director, Aavishjia Private Limited
No. 28, 2nd Main Road, Muniswamy Layout,
Vidyaranyapura, Bengaluru 560097
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Ph: 98451 83494

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