Hormonal balance during pregnancy play a key role  that can cause fluid retention, bloating, blemishes, and emotional outburst and performs various other roles like fetal development, passing the nutrients to the fetus. 

Pregnancy brings in a lot of changes and a huge transition in women. Various hormones play a key role in pregnancy that can cause fluid retention, bloating, blemishes, and emotional outburst and performs various other roles like fetal development, passing the nutrients to the fetus. So overall it is the cocktail of chemicals that brings in various changes.

Pregnancy leads to various bodily changes along with it several hormonal changes. Bodily changes can be observed as swelling, fluid retention, weight gain that are very common along with hormonal changes which can be observed as significant mood swings among women. These changes are mainly caused by Estrogen and Progesterone hormones .


The main pregnancy hormones are FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), LH(Luteinizing hormone), Estrogen, Progesterone, Placental Growth Factor, Oxytocin, and Prolactin. From all the hormones the major role is by Estrogen and Progesterone as they trigger fetal development during the first and second trimester of pregnancy as well as lead to various pregnancy symptoms.

1. Estrogen: It plays a vital role and is predominant hormone in pregnancy. It triggers the development of fetus and baby organs, uterus growth as well as providing that ultimate Pregnancy Glow.

2. Progesterone : It has a role equivalent to estrogen. It make women breast ready for lactation. It is also called Pregnancy Hormone since it plays an important role in getting pregnant as well as healthy pregnancy.


Hormonal imbalance is most common during pregnancy and can b seen in majority of women. Therefore it is suggested for new moms to be to take care of themselves along with their babies.

Pregnant women should always try to take care of their nutrition, health, fitness, physical, mental and emotional well being. Hormonal imbalance is a biological process it can’t be controlled naturally but this imbalance causes range of unwanted and undesirable symptoms from fatigue, weight loss, anxiety, irritability, low mood.

A most common symptom during pregnancy is Nausea and Vomiting caused by the HCG hormone, which is relatively a key hormone during pregnancy, and its significant rise and low level are associated with complications in pregnancy. Healthy snacking, brisk walking can be helpful to maintain its normal level

The second most common symptom seen is Increase in mood swings ranging from being happy to start feeling low, sad, depressed, anxious. Other associated symptoms are fatigue, sleepiness, and tiredness. Talk to your loved ones, watch a movie, meet friends, go for fine dining can help to deal with mood swings.


Optimum hormonal balance is a must to stay pregnant as well to feel happy, healthy, and glowing while pregnant.In this article let us now talk about how you can maintain hormonal balance during pregnancy.


Certain foods maintain balance while certain can alter the balance completely. Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine, Sugar, Fried, and Junk food, Excessive dairy products during pregnancy since they can hurt you and the fetus.

Certain food like antioxidants, fiber really supports hormonal balance. Diet rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids and high fiber is highly recommended since it promotes a healthy gut. Food rich in omega 3 fatty acids is Avocado, flaxseeds, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli. These foods have anti-inflammatory properties, balance hormonal production maintains blood sugar, and reduces stress.

Lentils which are considered as plant-based protein is a good option to consume and alternative to meat. Vitamins and Minerals such as Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin C, B, and D are a must to fulfill the nutritional requirements of mother and baby.

Zinc-rich food – Pumpkin, Nuts

Vitamin B  –      Fruits, sunflower seeds

Magnesium –   Spinach, Whole grain

Vitamin C  –    Oranges, Lemon, Broccoli

Vitamin D –      Limited sunshine, Milk

These nutrient rich food boost the progesterone level of pregnant females and maintain healthy body weight, reduce stress and prevent miscarriage.


Regular and moderate exercise is a must during pregnancy. It reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, promotes healthy weight gain, improves the general fitness of the body and mind. Start slowly like for only 10 min and gradually increase it to 30-45 minutes. Avoid over-exercise.


Keep yourself hydrated with a good amount of fluid intake throughout the day. Best is to drink the recommended amount of water 6-8 glasses per day. Hydration enhances digestion, reduces constipation, flush out toxins, increase energy, and glowing skin. Other sources are Fruit juices, soups.


Rather than worrying about developing baby engage yourself in Yoga and Meditation. Sit at a quiet place, breathe, relax, clear your mind, spend time with nature, remove negativity and negative energies. It will not only maintain hormonal balance but will provide good sleep, peaceful mind. Practice Mindful yoga which releases pain and relieves stress.


Disturbed or inadequate sleep is common during pregnancy. Treating insomnia is really harmful to developing babies. Prioritize your sleep with a bedtime schedule, Keep your bedroom a tech-free zone. Engaging more on the internet and various applications before sleep increases stress and reduces adequate and peaceful sleep. What you think before sleep matters a lot in your good night’s sleep so Talk to your partner, pray, and keep your phone and TV away from you 1 hour before sleep.


Books are best friends and reading good books during pregnancy creates a great bond between mother and baby. It increases knowledge, enhances concentration, and peaceful mind As well as earlier the baby is exposed to the habit of reading better they will perform in later life.


If you feel you are anxious, stressed, or overthinking talk to your loved ones, your partner, family, friends. Share your fear with your closest people. So that they can calm you by pouring their love, care, and attention towards you. Let them look after you when you are feeling low.

On a final note, I would like to conclude by saying Enjoy your pregnancy. Indulge yourself in forgotten hobbies, Spa sessions, Shopping spree, Dinner dates, Short trips, Bonding with friends, and family.


A healthy, happy, and hormonal balanced feel-good journey of your 9 months of pregnancy may help in improving your Physical, Mental, Emotional well being during and after pregnancy as well as would keep your hormonal health at the track and the Heath of mother and baby at bay.


Dr Jyotsana Anand Suri
Certified medical content writer
Email: jyotsana789@gmail.com

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