Hearing impairment in Elderly couples : Impact on marital adjustments

Hearing impairment in Elderly couples is one of the most common chronic health conditions in the world. Hearing loss reduces the quality and quantity and may negatively affect the relationship.

All living beings including humans live in their environment by constantly interacting with it. Numerous changes of various types happen in their environment constantly and the living beings need to change themselves in order to survive and thrive. It is quite systematic that they are continuously receiving information about these changes taking place in their physical environment. It is possible due to the presence of sensory systems in the living beings.

Hearing impairment in Elderly couples : Impact on marital adjustments

The changes in photic and radiant energy, vibratory energy, chemical and mechanical energy impact the sensory system of living beings though selectively depending upon the intensity of these changes as well the inherent capacity of sensory systems.  When the intensity of these changes is sufficient enough, i.e., above a threshold value, we call it, stimulus, the sensory system shall receive it and the information regarding the changes in physical energy is transmitted to the organism. It happens after a series of transformations taking place within the organisms so that sensory receptors are activated.

It is very interesting to note that as we ascend on the evolutionary ladder, this sensory system becomes more complex, efficient and varied as it responds to variety of physical changes taking place in the environment. Such system not only communicates information efficiently but primes the organism to respond effectively to the changes in the environment. This stimulus – response mechanism is key to the interdependent relationship between the environment and organism. When an appropriate response is made to the stimuli, it is considered to be the adjustment, i.e., contributing to the survival of the organisms.

Hearing impairment

Hearing impairment is one of the most common chronic health conditions in the world. The recent study has proved that  Hearing loss reduces the quality and quantity of couple communication. Considering the centrality of communication between spouses, a person’s hearing loss may negatively affect the relationship. Communication problems manifest  themselves through constant repetitions and misunderstandings. The broad aim of this study is to explore the role of hearing impairment in marital adjustment in elderly couples.

A total of 120 couples between the age ranges of 60 to 80 years came to Audiology clinic for routine check-up at SGT Hospital, Gurugram. The total population was divided into three different groups i.e., Group A (Experimental group I), Group-B (Experimental group II) and Group C (control group). Group A was further subdivided into A-I and A-II whereas Group B was subdivided into B-I and B-II.  Univariate analysis, ANOVA followed by post-hoc Duncan’s were used to estimate the effects of the hearing impairment of the self/partner on marital adjustment and mental health of subjects and their partners with and without hearing aids. All the 3 groups, i.e.; groups with normal hearing, hearing impairment and hearing impairments with hearing aids were selected for the study.

First of all, descriptive statistics was used followed by ANOVA and post-hoc analysis. The result shows that the main effect of group, i.e., (individual with hearing impairment with hearing aids, hearing impairment, normal hearing, was found to be significant (p<0.001) on mental health score. The result shows that the main effect of group, i.e., (individual with hearing impairment with hearing aids, hearing impairment, normal hearing, was found to be significant (p<0.001) on marital adjustment score.

Marital adjustment of individuals with hearing impairment was significantly poor adjustment than normal hearing, hearing impairment with hearing aid was also close to normal hearing. Whereas, the marital adjustment of hearing impairment was found to be worst than hearing impairment with hearing aids. Marital adjustment of partners with hearing impairment was significantly poor adjustment than normal hearing, hearing impairment with hearing aid was also close to better adjustment as well as in normal hearing. Whereas, the marital adjustment of hearing impairment was found to be worse than hearing impairment with hearing aids.

On the basis of the findings of the present study, the following conclusion can be drawn:

1. The individuals with Hearing aid were having better marital adjustment as compared to individuals with hearing impairment. It shows that prescription of hearing aid is helpful for patients with hearing impairment to improve their marital adjustment.

2. Similarly, partners of individuals with Hearing aid were having better marital adjustment as compared to individuals with hearing impairment. It depicts that prescription of hearing aid is not only helpful for patients with hearing impairment but also for their partners to improve their marital adjustment.


Dr. Vivek Kumar Jha

Professor(Speech Pathology & Audiology)

Department of Audiology & Speech Language Pathology

Faculty of Behavioural Sciences

SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana

Email: jhavivek98@yahoo.com

Mob: 95602 76840

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