Does spirituality has answer against Corona virus epidemic?

Does spirituality has answer against Corona virus epidemic? It is believed by spiritual thinkers that epidemics occur only when the moral values ​​of the people fall drastically and the society becomes corrupt.

Today, India is facing a more virulent second wave of the corona epidemic. In the coming days, news of a friend or family suffering from corona or losing the battle can be devastating. The government is taking measures to stall this epidemic, but people still feel helpless and despondent. In such a state while some people go into deep depression, there are others thinking about spirituality and how to keep a positive attitude.


Spirituality has a solution to corona epidemic:

Does spirituality have a solution to deal with the corona epidemic? It is believed by spiritual thinkers that epidemics occur only when the moral values ​​of the people fall drastically and the society becomes corrupt. Pandemics and disasters can be nature’s way of warning and harmonizing mankind. It is believed that by improving the moral character of man, he can remain free from natural calamities.

In this context, we would like to introduce to you Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong), which is a high level spiritual practice of mind and body. Five gentle and effective exercises are taught in Falun Dafa, but the emphasis is placed on cultivation of the mind or cultivation of moral character. These exercises help in opening the person’s energy channels, purifying the body, relieving stress and providing inner peace. Being a holistic practice of mind and body, people get amazing health benefits in a short time of this practice.

Falun Dafa is based on the basic nature of the universe:  Truthfulness – Compassion – Tolerance. Following these characteristics in their daily lives, practitioners are able to be in harmony with nature and the world could remain free from diseases and disasters. According to experience reports from reliable sources, those people who were affected with Corona virus and who had just about started Falun Dafa exercise and meditation practice were able to overcome this serious disease by constantly chanting this sentence – “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good”.

The healing power of Falun Dafa

It sounds a little far -fetched, like a miracle, but the main reason for these people to recover soon is their assimilation with the basic nature of the universe. Modern science is still doing research on this subject about the effects of sound and thought vibrations. In the book “Life and Hope Renewed –The Healing Power of Falun Dafa”, there is an amazing compilation of experiences of people who accepted and welcomed Falun Dafa into their lives recovering from serious and life-threatening illnesses.

This book can be downloaded for Free from

Today more than 100 million people are practicing Falun Dafa in more than 90 countries worldwide. In India too, thousands of people are practicing Falun Dafa in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Pune etc. If more and more people adopt the principles of truthfulness – compassion – tolerance, then the moral character of society will improve and natural calamities will subside.

You can find more information about Falun Dafa at

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