Non-transparency a major bottleneck in digital adoption in Pharmaceutical

1. Non-transparency a major bottleneck in digital adoption in Pharmaceutical.

2. 90% Pharma marketers say non-transparency is a key set-back in digital espousal in Rx drug marketing: Doceree survey. 

3. New Jersey-based Doceree launches AI-enabled dashboard to bring transparency in Pharmaceutical Marketing

November 2, 2020: 90% Pharmaceutical marketers are of the opinion that non-transparency of ‘doctor reach and results’ is a key set-back for implementation of digital in Rx drug marketing, according to the study by Doceree, the foremost global web of Physician-only platforms for programmatic marketing. It is a fact that Pharmaceutical industry hang back on digital espousal in contrast to consumer brands which have seen fabulous growth in digital marketing technologies.

In the past decade, pioneering digital business models aroused in a various fields. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical by and large remained an exemption from entering to digital platforms. The marketing strategies are still limited to conventional ways of doing business and Physician marketing is nowhere close to consumer marketing that grew leaps and bounds after companies in the space shifted to digital methods and made them an vital tool to sweep to their targeted crowd.


“We associate with several digital platforms. But the output are not very pleasing and very often there seems to be discrepancies in the information provided. Deciphering information that are pooled by partner digital platforms is a tough task and data points all the time do not go with the results shared, heading to discrepancy. Thus this non-transparency is a big confront to make use of digital channels,” said a Pharma marketer on circumstance of ambiguity.

Doceree undertook the survey with 500 Pharmaceutical marketers of zenith Rx drug firms, comprising Abbott, Pfizer, Cipla, GSK and Novartis, to know how big uncertain block non-transparency was in digital implementation among Pharma marketers. To solve the enduring issue and nourish trust among Pharma marketers and build the category, Doceree has presented AI-enabled dashboard that provide its clients – pharma brands and media agencies – get information and updates about their strategy in real time.

“Rx drug brands make great pay-outs for promotion on generic digital decks. Though there is no clarity of progress of digital campaigns, thus beating the very intention of using a digital platform. They squander monies on the digital medium to get in touch with Physicians, but are not very certain about the authenticity of output. For Pharma marketers who are already sceptical about digital mediums, the situation has only aggravated further and led to confidence issues. Our AI-enabled dashboard will give full transparency, manage and the aptitude to enhance for better efficiencies. A lot of brands are already channelling all their digital marketing spends through Doceree now,” said Dr. Harshit Jain, Founder & CEO, Doceree.

At a time when digital is achieving a strong grip, Doceree is striving to develop an ecosystem that creates trust among Pharma marketers and aid them to utilise the true prospective of digital platform.


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