Diabetes-initial-symptomsDiabetes is one of the main non-communicable and chronic diseases that result in high blood glucose i.e too much sugar in the blood. Diabetes occurs when the function of the pancreas an insulin-regulating hormone is hampered which means either body is not making enough insulin or it is not effectively using the insulin that is made.

 Day by day, the number of people with diabetes is increasing. According to WHO It is the 7th leading cause of death. Though it cannot be completely cured it can be treated by regular screening and monitoring, a healthy diet, physical exercise, medication, maintaining normal body weight, Food, and Lifestyle changes, and noticing early signs and symptoms of diabetes. It can be controlled by following these steps on regular basis and its consequences can be avoided and delayed.


4 most common type of Diabetes is

Prediabetes –It is the condition in which blood sugar is marginally high, but not high enough to cause Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 – It is the rare condition in which too much or no insulin is formed by the pancreas and kidneys remove too much fluid from your body. About 10 percent of people suffer from this type of diabetes

Type 2 – It is strongly linked with obesity and it affects the way body uses insulin. The body makes the insulin but the cells don’t respond effectively as they use to be.

Gestational Diabetes – It occurs in pregnancy when the body becomes sensitive to the insulin produced. Though it does not occur in all women and usually resolve also after birth.


 Since there is no particular age group more vulnerable and prone to Diabetes but anyone who is at or above age 35 + is usually at risk of diabetes.

If you are having a family history of diabetes as well as leading an inactive lifestyle along with eating a lot more junk and sugary food or you are under a lot of stress you must get yourself checked for diabetes periodically. Maybe you don’t show any symptoms but you are at risk of diabetes.

Since people are unaware of diabetes symptoms and its complications and young adults think themselves fit ad healthy so more often it get undiagnosed for them. Diabetes Awareness is a necessity so that young adults always keep track of their health with regular screening and check up.

There are many risk factors associated with Diabetes such as Obesity, Sedentary Lifestyle, Poor high-calorie diet, Family history. Type 2 Diabetes is increasing but it is highly preventable if diagnosed at right time with minimal symptoms and the right treatment.

Diabetes can develop over years but since it remains unchecked it remains hidden. The ideal advice is to monitor your blood sugar level every 3 months. It is a matter of grave concern since there is a rampant change in the lifestyle of the population, it is important to be aware of lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes.


Simple-steps-for-prevention-of-diabetesSince Diabetes is presented by several signs and symptoms and early symptoms are often vague so it is better to be aware of them and if you feel any of these signs or symptoms you should consult your doctor and get your blood sugar checked.

A few early signs and symptoms of Diabetes are listed as follows 

One of the early signs that go unnoticed before the diagnosis of Diabetes is dark skin in the neck folds, knuckles, underarms.

Early Symptoms

  1. Urge to urinate or frequent urination more than usual is one of the early symptoms of Diabetes.
  2. Increase in fluid intake throughout the day due to feeling thirsty more than normal.
  3. Feeling hungry more than usual which means you crave for food even after having a full meal.
  4. Fatigue and exhaustion is another early sign of diabetes.
  5. Unexpected Weight loss without any workouts or exercise
  6. Delayed healing of cut, bruises, or blisters.
  7. Frequent urinary tract and yeast infections.


Food and Lifestyle changes are the key step to prevent Diabetes and lowering their risk and complications.

Maintain Weight

Obesity is most common cause of diabetes. It increases the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes to a large extent. Losing around 10 % of your current weight reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Modification in Diet 

 Dietary changes can bring a big impact on the risk of developing diabetes.

  • Cut down the highly processed carbohydrate intake and choose whole grain products.
  • Skip the intake of sugary drinks such as Tea, Coffee, Alcohol, Soft drinks and Increase the intake of water instead.
  • Choose healthy fats instead of processed food such as Cheese.
  • Limit the intake of red meat and choose food like nuts, fish, beans.
  • Eat small portions of healthy food and a low carbohydrate diet to reduce the amount of calorie intake.

Get moving and start exercising 

Sitting in front of the TV for long hours skip it. Start moving and start exercising. Inactivity promotes the risk of developing type 2 Diabetes. Indulge yourself in yoga, exercises, brisk walking, and more and more physical activity.

Skip Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Intake 

Smoking is found to increase the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Both Smoking and Alcohol intake increases the chance of developing diabetes among individuals who are indulged in these habits then non-smokers and non-alcoholics.

Avoid Sedentary Habits 

Avoid sedentary behaviors such as excessive sitting, sleeping, watching tv, scrolling apps on phone.

Maintain Vitamin D levels 

Optimum Vitamin D levels in the blood are associated with a lesser risk of developing diabetes.


For long term prevention of risk of developing Diabetes is to make food and lifestyle changes. If you are aware of Diabetes you can get your blood sugar levels to check periodically and you can lower your chances of developing diabetes at the Prediabetic stage only.


Dr Jyotsana Anand Suri
Certified medical content writer
Email: jyotsana789@gmail.com

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