Haemoglobin and Diabetes : Ultimate ways to raise your haemoglobin

Haemoglobin concentration in your body plays a vital role and must be maintained within a normal range. A low Haemoglobin level can intensify several clinical aspects of diabetes or its progression. Let’s check out some tips to increase your Haemoglobin.

Diabetes and Haemoglobin : Ultimate ways to raise your haemoglobin

Oxygen in our body is circulated with the help of red blood cells. Haemoglobin is a type of protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout our bodies. Low haemoglobin (also known as anaemia) is a common condition, especially in people with diabetes. To prevent anaemia and allied symptoms, it is essential to ensure the proper haemoglobin concentration in your body.

Diabetes and Haemoglobin

Diabetes is a condition wherein the body finds it difficult to maintain the normal blood sugar range of less than 140 mg/dL. A low haemoglobin level can intensify several clinical aspects of diabetes or its progression. To ensure good health, it is vital to maintain haemoglobin concentration in the range of about 14 to 18 g/dL for men and about 12 to 16 g/dL for women.

If you have diabetes, you must regularly get yourself checked for anaemia, besides trying to be in the normal blood sugar range. Although everyone needs an optimum haemoglobin concentration, it is especially essential for those susceptible to low haemoglobin levels like pregnant women, menstruating women, growing children, and persons with systemic conditions. Now, let’s focus on how to increase haemoglobin.

Low Haemoglobin Symptoms

Low haemoglobin is often referred to as anaemia, which is associated with symptoms like:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fast or irregular heartbeat
  • Pale or cold skin
  • Dizziness
  • Chest pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscle weakness

How to Increase Haemoglobin Count

As the majority of iron is stored in the body as haemoglobin, an increase in iron intake will help you set right your haemoglobin level. Besides iron, nutrients like vitamin B complex and vitamin C play a significant role in producing haemoglobin. That is why it is essential to have a proper nutritious diet to maintain optimal haemoglobin levels. The best way to increase haemoglobin is to boost the intake of foods that enhance haemoglobin production.

You can improve your haemoglobin concentration naturally by following several home remedies or with the help of iron supplements. Here are some tips to increase your haemoglobin count:

i) Increase your iron intake

Iron-rich foods help boost the production of haemoglobin, forming red blood cells. Although the amount varies with age, gender and physiology, an adult-male needs about 8mg of iron/day, and adult women (between 18 and 50) need about 19 mg of iron/day. The best iron-rich foods include green leafy veggies, meat, seafood, apples (the best source), pomegranate (the best source), watermelon, jaggery and yoghurt.

ii) Maximise iron absorption with the help of vitamin C-rich fruits

Besides maintaining your normal blood sugar range, vitamin C-rich fruits help absorb iron more efficiently and are as crucial as natural iron-rich foods. The line-up of fruits rich in vitamin C includes oranges, lemon, sweet lime, mangoes, gooseberry, strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, grapes and berries.

iii) Eat green leafy vegetables and broccoli

Besides being enriched in iron, leafy veggies (spinach, mustard greens, celery) and ​ broccoli are natural sources of vitamin B12, folic acid, and other essential nutrients and help uplift your haemoglobin level. Here, you must note that the raw spinach holds oxalic acid, which can hinder your iron absorption, which is why it is advisable to have cooked spinach.

Moreover, these green leafy veggies are packed with fibre and are low in calories. Thus, they help counter diabetes by maintaining your normal blood sugar range.

iv) Increase your folate intake

One of the types of vitamin B, folate, is used by our body to produce heme, a part of haemoglobin that carries oxygen. Thus, it plays a vital role in haemoglobin production and is found in:

  • Beetroot(contains natural iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and C)
  • Peanuts
  • Black-eyed peas
  • Kidney beans
  • Beef
  • Spinach
  • Rice
  • Avocadoes
  • Lettuce

v) Add a daily dose of dried fruits to your diet

Dried fruits like dates and raisins deliver a perfect blend of iron and vitamin C and help elevate your haemoglobin. Figs are loaded with iron, vitamin A, magnesium and folate. However, if you have diabetes, ensure you don’t binge on them.

vi) Try to cook food in iron utensils

Iron utensils help top up your food with iron and help fight low haemoglobin levels.

vii) Avoid products that hinder iron absorption in the body

Cut down on iron blockers like foods containing excess tannins, phytates, polyphenols, and oxalic acids like tea, coffee, cola cocoa, wine, beer and other aerated drinks.

viii) Exercise regularly

A regular workout pushes your body to produce more haemoglobin to meet the increased demand for oxygen in the body.

ix) Go for iron supplements if required

Sometimes, dietary modifications can’t fix a low haemoglobin level. In that case, you may have to consult a doctor and go for oral supplements or other methods to increase your haemoglobin.

 When to See a Doctor

If, while trying home remedies, you notice symptoms like frequent and recurring headaches, severe muscle weakness, irregular or fast heartbeat, or unexplained bruising, it is advisable to see your doctor to prevent any complications.


As anaemia is more common in people with diabetes, you must monitor your haemoglobin level and maintain a normal blood sugar range. Iron-rich foods can best help you boost your haemoglobin. Besides, fruits rich in vitamin C help your body absorb iron better and are as essential as iron-rich foods. In this article, we gave you several tips on how to increase haemoglobin. So, make sure to check for your haemoglobin consistently and take appropriate and timely measures to boost the low haemoglobin levels.

Also Read: Anaemia :10 Superfoods for increasing the blood health

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