CII National Nutrition Conclave 2020 – Achieving food and nutrition security is a priority

CII National Nutrition Conclave 2020 focussed on creating a road map for thoughtful action that will strengthen the ecosystem for nutrition especially in the context of the pandemic. 

CII National Nutrition Conclave 2020 - Achieving food and nutrition security is a priority

Confederation of Indian Industry organised the 2nd Edition of the National Nutrition Conclave. This year’s digital conclave was  an opportunity for Government, Development   Agencies, Industries and related stakeholders to come together to deliberate on critical challenges and emerging opportunities, with a view to creating a road map for thoughtful action that will strengthen the ecosystem for nutrition especially in the context of the pandemic.

Achieving food and nutrition security is a priority. One of the key routes to achieve a resilient and improved food system requires a reorientation of relevant policies. Among them, policies associated with the innovation, creation, adoption and adaptation of technologies, knowledge, behaviour change communication and with their related institutional adjustments are key factors to counter the complex and evolving challenges of the global food system. In line with this notion, the session one of the conclave focused on “Innovations in Nutrition” and leaders of the food industry shared recent innovations in the field of Nutrition.

Ms. Vinita Bali, Chairperson, CII National Committee on Nutrition in her remarks highlighted  “Simplifying nutrition for people to help them understand what actions to take and willingness of the technology companies and ingredients companies to come together and address nutrition in a constructive way will transform this journey towards healthier choices”. She also shared that “The private sector is now making Nutrition centre stage, and private sector while building their brands around the same idea will lead to creating a win-win situation for the entire supply chain, and also benefitting their businesses.”

Mr.  Anuj Kumar Rustagi, COO – ITC Ltd. Foods Division,Chocolates, Confectionery; Coffee & New Business highlighted that“ Our Innovations are guided by two principles one is triple bottom line which is good for people, good for planet and good for profit and in order to deliver we need to create world class Indian brands – gives us intellectual property in India, value chains embedded in India and offering the best quality of products in India. During the recent times we delivered more than 70 innovation in FMCG over the last 6 months alone”

Mr. Raj Sahetiya, Head – HNH, South Asia, DSM, said, “Innovation in health and nutrition needs to be seen holistically including product ingredients, service models and customer experience. Future of nutrition is going to be more self-governed. As a science based company, our is focused on innovation-led solutions; while on one end, our is focusing on creating personalised nutrition platforms, we also believes that mass food-fortification is the most effective solution to nutritional challenges in India.”

Speaking on the initiative, said Mr. Sonjai Uppal, Director – Research & Innovation, Danone India, R&I Lead India & South East Asia – Healthy Ageing Platform “We are focusing on Innovation for better products and choices to impact healthier dietary intakes for improved health. This is our One Health strategy that is key to driving acceleration in Health and wellness locally. Two trends that are key are personalization and rationalization of food choices, that will pave the way for fulfilling emerging consumer needs.”

 Mr. Shailesh Gupta, COO/ Co-founder, Fitterfly shared that “Advancement in nutrition sciences and technology like novel nutrition assessment tools and Digital therapeutic programs to help reverse, prevent and control diseases will take the sector ahead with start-ups playing an important role”

The discussion brought to the fore three key positive aspects that are today catalysing private-public sector partnership for promoting Nutrition in India –  first, the private sector confidence in the interventions by the regulator, such as Standard revisions and formulations, thus raising the bar for the industry; second, simplifying and granulating nutrition for the common man, thus ensuring its better uptake, understanding and adaptability among the masses; and last, private sector giving the centre stage to Nutrition, while building their brands around the same, hence creating a win-win situation for the entire supply chain, and also benefitting their businesses.

The session was attended by Food and Beverage entrepreneurs, food and nutrition start-ups, Nutritionist, Food technologists, Members of Associations and professionals from academia and Industry amongs’t others.

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