Acupuncture treatment – Everyone experiences acupuncture differently, but most feel no pain or very minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Few of the frequently asked questions are answered below
Sudden Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem affecting up to 57 % of adult population. People who suffer from tooth sensitivity experience a short, sudden pain or discomfort in
What is Acupuncture? It is gaining popularity as a therapeutic approach wherein thin needles are delicately inserted through an individual’s skin at specific points on the body, reaching various depths.
Self-improvement helps to enlighten any aspects of our lifestyle. Personality development can help to achieve goals and improve life. Historically, humans have struggled to improve personality. Self-improvement is an independent
Stroke care during the critical “golden hour” demands rapid recognition, swift action, and comprehensive medical intervention to minimize long-term disability and prevent fatalities. Stroke is a leading cause of disability
Moringa or Shevga is an ancient Vedic tree. Botanical treasure steeped in ancient wisdom and hailed for its remarkable healing properties. In Vedas, Brahmanas and Puranas, it is mentioned as
Meditation Benefits as it supports healthy living. Mantras have transformative power. Billions of people have resorted to meditation to ease anxiety, negativity and depression. Spiritually, mantra meditation intensifies concentration and
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and Coronary heart disease and remain predominant and the leading cause of death in individuals over the age of 35 years. ACS encompasses a group of
Viral Hepatitis leads to inflammation of the liver cells thereby causing severe liver disease and liver cancer. Viral hepatitis A, B, C, D & E are the ones that infect