Experience the divine In everything you look at. Divine is not from heaven, or it’s not an external existence, It’s very much within me you & every one of us.
Summer again! Heat, dehydration, sun strokes, skin darkening and every summer problem is back. Don’t worry you can fight all these problems with simple solutions. With summer vacation parents should
Thyroidism problem can be effectively cured by accupuncture treatment along with some lifestyle changes. The Thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, secreting thyroid hormones. The hormones
Walking towards a healthy relationships: new way to relational health. Relationships are the core of the human existence. Starting a new relationship usually brings great excitement and high expectations. Emotions
Joint Pain? Aroma oil is a natural remedy. Aroma oils reacts on the skin and brain senses immediately. Aroma oils get warmth faster and stay on the skin for a long
Women and Sexual Health. Sexuality is a part of every woman’s life. All of our bodies have the potential to feel physical. People seem to want and need to be
Adverse effects due to drugs. What the patients should know? This article helps us to understand what we have to do to prevent problems arising out of adverse events arising
Exam Preparation Tips – Student guid. Bring out the best in you……………………… For most of the student exams is the worst part of studying. You are stressed and if you have