Here we address the importance of orthodontic treatments and the number of treatment choices available to you to help you make an educated decision. In today’s fast-paced environment, a confident
Metier Multispeciality Dental and Poly Clinic is renowned for its commitment to providing top-notch dental care. Plans are underway to launch another center with a broader vision to establish more
Herbal toothpaste stands out for its reliance on natural ingredients, each carefully selected for its unique benefits. ‘Healthy Teeth’ by Chithsukhi Herbal Toothpaste, a ground-breaking product that harnesses the power of
Oral health for holistic well-being should be considered as a major health issue at primary healthcare level itself. World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated every year on 20 March
Sudden Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem affecting up to 57 % of adult population. People who suffer from tooth sensitivity experience a short, sudden pain or discomfort in
Diet and dental health – The food that you eat plays a major role in your dental health. 1st to 7th September is celebrated as National Nutrition Week to make people aware
Secrets of Strong teeth are brushing, flossing, visiting dentist regularly, avoiding intake of sugary items, carbonated drinks and taking good care. When we talk about our overall wellness, we usually
Gum Disease – Gingivitis : In simple words, gingivitis is defined as GUM INFLAMMATION. An early stage of gum disease if ignored can progress and cause more severe oral health diseases.
Dental consideration for diabetics – A regular checkup to prevent gum diseases, deep cleaning for oral hygiene and to regulate the blood sugar levels. Diabetes, a very common condition encountered