Brain : The King and a King maker

Brain is a mini universe that provides insight into many aspects of life. A perfect engineering marvel, a model of precision, perfection and performance. World Brain Day is observed on July 22 every year dedicated to raising awareness on Brain & to understand its unique functions.

Brain is a mini universe that provides insight into many aspects of life. A perfect engineering marvel, a model of precision, perfection and performance. An integration of all the universal phenomena that revolves around mankind and evolution. The structure and function of Brain is a museum of art, education, culture and knowledge. It is a compressed version of universe(microcosm) a power station that connects to the real universe (macrocosm). There is an enormous potential miniaturised and accommodated in the human skull. The neurons are the functional unit of the human brain that can generate enormous amount of electrical energy utilising the natural resources.

Brain : The King and a King maker

Brain- biggest power generating system:

Thus, it is a biggest power generating system with a neat system of estimation, utilisation, retention, storage supplementation, power distribution and highly specific control systems. It is an alternate source of substrates in case of eventuality where natural resources are insufficient. Inherent ability to produce innumerable number of proteins, neurotransmitters, hormones and chemicals on day-to-day basis makes it comparable to any large industry that is known to mankind. The metabolises and the end products are effectively mopped up by the glial cells and recycled to produce fresh chemicals and neurotransmitters.

The energy requirements are so huge that it requires uncompressed blood supply to meet the demands. Brain derives its blood supply from the two carotid arteries in front and two vertebral arteries from behind. The blood vessels are laid out in such a way, that there is an internal network that takes care of regional requirements very efficiently. All these vessels get linked to each other in a circular network called “circle of Willis” from which branches run into different directions to supply the specific regions. There are bridging arteries that link the entire system underneath the Brain called “Communicating arteries”.

In case of any blockage in one system, the other channels can take over and supply by rerouting without any difficulty. There is also a back-up system that supplies from outside the skull through the external carotid arteries providing collateral circulation. There is an inbuilt regulatory system that manages the demand and supply to different regions of Brain based on the age, type of Work, time of the day or night and estimated energy requirements. These sensors measure the performance minute to minute and constantly adjust by itself with set controls and norms with unbelievable precision and accuracy.Thus, brain replicates the world’s best water supply systems.

The most effective communication system

Brain has one of the most impeccable security systems. Nothing can enter the brain from the blood without a valid gate pass. The glial cells of the brain in association with the external layer of blood vessels form the “Blood Brain Barrier” that provides the world best Security. Nothing detrimental like toxins, bacteria and harmful substances can never enter the brain in normal circumstances. Only selective brain nutrients have a direct entry as they are recognised by automated signalling systems. This is called “Passive transport stem” and is a routine process. The rest need a passport with a stringent verification process. Selected ones thus get an entry with an escort called “active transport and carrier transport”. This happens through the “Channels and molecules “specific and specialised in transport that are energy mediated. The system is so beautiful that once approved only the required energy is released to facilitate entry, by itself another control mechanism to avoid any trespassing.

The signalling and communication happens through the electrical signal generated in the Neuron called “Action potential “. From the Neuron the electrical signal gets transmitted through the cable system called axons to the target organs at a lightning speed of 120 meters per second. These communications are very specific and action oriented. These axons are so well insulated by a process called “Myelination” that prevents energy leaks, short circuits as well as cross talk. It is fascinating that we possess the most effective communication system with uninterrupted network and speed that the broad band, 4 G or future 5 G can match with.

Apart from delivering various orders, brain collects all the ongoing information in real-time. The entire data is collated, processed and used to better the performance with suitable modifications for the immediate and future purposes. Not only the processing but the entire data management is so versatile. All the sensory inputs as experiences are assembled inside to create a process of learning and the important information is stored as memory. Based on the need and utility unnecessary files are periodically deleted to refresh the storage space for future learning. Brain uses parallel processing for information collection, assorting, data processing and creating pattern recognition thus defeating all the super computers available today.

Judgement and thinking are an exclusive faculty that can bypass the normal process and break into these data systems in order to make quick decisions in any crisis or emergency; otherwise, the data is confidential and unbreakable with excellent fire wall systems. Transporting information within the brain and spinal cord occurs through white matter called fascicles and tracts respectively. They connect the adjacent gyriareas,lobes, corresponding areas of right and left brain and the body through the spinal cord. They are like small bridges connecting two areas of frontal lobes and like long flyovers that connect frontal lobe to occipital lobe replicating flyovers of city planning system with well-planned ramifications to alight the information to adjacent areas as well.

Brain is the chairman of the planning commission. 

Memory is essentially a record keeping process categorised as immediate, recent and remote storing one’s lifetime experiences with a ready recall system. Any corruption in the sequence can lead to failure of the system resulting in memory loss. Long term memory is stored with codification process. Brain is the chairman of the planning commission. Day to day activities as well as long term growth is so well planned to trigger the action plans for each organ, mobilise resources, energy and execute. There is a contingency plan for every eventuality which gets into force instantly. Similarly, a well-oiled system for unplanned events too. Depending upon the age, growth rate, activity and circumstances allocation of resources takes place internally without any discontent or a strike and never a bandh.

Thus, brain is a role model for governance. There is a higher arch. The nervous system works with peripheral units called motor end plates to perform motor acts. Similarly sensory end organs to perceive. Certain amount of autonomy starts from here. There is regional control between the sensory and motor peripheral nerves, which acts by reflex in every event. This is called peripheral nervous system which acts like local corporation. Once the message reaches spinal cord equivalent to district administration, designated action takes place but at a segment level.

Reasonable amount of actions occur here itself. Simultaneously, the message goes to subcortical structures like Thalamus and Brain stem, that can assess the magnitude of the problem in order to quantify the nature of enforcements. In essences it’s like the state government and nearly 70% of the routine work gets done here . Based on the assessment and importance subsequent information if fed to the central body which is the cortex. The cerebral cortex is the final decision making, executing and vetoing authority. All the complex issues will be resolved here on a daily basis not through designated parliamentary sessions. The beauty of the whole system lies in complete delegation of responsibility, close monitoring and perfect timely coordination.

All the individual systems like respiration, circulation, excretion is like individual states. They all function with their own inbuilt systems and innate abilities, but ultimately governed. Brain can be a model and should be a part of curriculum to emulate in any management programme. Brain functions as a major public work department undertaking the maintenance and repairs across the body.

Brain is the real example of true “Leadership”

The defence system protecting the body is amazing both in peace i.e, normal day to day life as well as in war situations like infection, injury and illness. Brain is the seat of immunity, with a total control of the army the white cells(army) antibodies(navy) and missiles like activated T cells, Nature killer cells, phagocytes(airforce).Brain is the band master of the endocrine orchestra that regulates all the hormones from time to time and maintains the entire metabolism of the body. The autonomic nervous system is like an invisible world. Together they are responsible for many notable events like growth, sleep, puberty,menarche, menopause, anxiety, fear, personality, behaviour, fight or flight response and many more.

Finally, Brain is the real example of true “Leadership” which regulates everything but remains behind the scenes. Silently works towards the goals of its own and other parts of the body. Generally, all the credit is given to other organs like the charity is attributed to heart and the bravery to guts, but never gets disturbed rather remains steadfast. Maintains unity among the diversity. Above all plays “No Politics ” and creates cohesiveness among all parts in building a team work .


Dr NK Venkatramana
Founder Chairman & Director Neurosciences
Brains Hospitals, Bangalore.


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