Bodywise – digital health clinic for women

Bodywise is a digital health clinic for women and their unique health and wellness needs. Developed by doctors and driven by a team of women, the platform helps women discover personalized wellness regimens that are powered by scientifically tested ingredients to ensure the best results.


A Digital Health Clinic, Bodywise is an online platform designed to match women with their personalized wellness regimens. Taking into account several factors, Bodywise provides women with actionable lifestyle changes for long terms gain and products for short term impact. The best part is, this is all done under the supervision of expert doctors with whom you can set up online consultations.

Developed by doctors, powered by scientifically tested ingredients

Every Bodywise product is developed by doctors and is powered by globally researched ingredients. Every offering is rigorously tested by a panel of women to painstakingly formulate the best in class solutions.

“By Women, For women”

Built by a team of women in their 20s and 30s, Bodywise’s team is reflective of the women it aims to serve. Each unique member of the team champions a perspective important to women. From formulations catering specifically to the needs of women and the high safety standards to the animal friendly stance of the brand, Bodywise is built by women, specifically to address the needs of women.

Personalized Wellness Regimens

Focused on holistic wellness, Bodywise emphasizes on regimens that don’t just address the symptoms but also address the root cause of the concern. Taking a holistic approach to wellness, Bodywise recommends both nutritional and topical solutions to attack the problem on every front.

How it works?- Take the assessment

Bodywise’s wellness assessment  is a holistic approach to understand the multiple factors that impact you, to address the root cause of women’s concerns, taking a  360° approach to women’s wellness.


The report and the regimen

The assessment gives you information about how several pertinent factors (lifestyle, hormones, environment, etc) impact your health and specifically impact your concerned area. It gives you detailed lifestyle changes that will holistically help address issues. You are also given a regimen to follow to see more immediate reversal of your concern. helping you take a two pronged approach- both preventative and curative.

Speak to an experienced doctor

At the end of the assessment, you will have the opportunity to set up a call with one of Bodywise’s experienced women doctors. These doctors help address specific concerns and understand why certain recommendations are right for an individual.


You receive the product in the next couple of days. Each product on its front face has a Bodywise grid that clearly explains the main ingredients and the concerns it will help address. This format is followed to ensure complete transparency and a clear understanding of the products use and impact.

Follow-up and adherence

Bodywise stays with women after their purchase too. They follow up, give continuous access to doctors and even provide reminders to constantly push for adherence and over all healthier choices.

In the end, wellness is a journey and that having a committed partner like Bodywise can be the difference between health and illness.

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