Be mosquito safe: BodyGuard launches natural mosquito repellent cream  

Be mosquito safe as mosquito breeding season is at its peak. Team Sirona, makers of PeeBuddy has launched BodyGuard Natural Mosquito Repellent Cream, which is    100% herbal and the cream is effective in repelling mosquitoes for up to 8 hours.

BodyGuard-Mosquito-reppelent-cream-tubIn line with solving mosquito menace around monsoon- breeding season, BodyGuard by Sirona has launched Natural Mosquito Repellent Cream. For its Deet-free and 100% herbal formula, it is suitable for adults and children alike and can be used on the go.

BodyGuard natural mosquito repellent cream provides protection for up to 8 hours. Enriched with Neem and Aloe vera, it effectively repels mosquitoes, while soothing and moisturizing the skin naturally. Being free of harmful chemicals, it does not cause any side effects.

The launch comes as a relief at a time when dengue cases across the country are on the rise even amidst the pandemic. This is the latest addition to BodyGuard’s existing portfolio of mosquito solutions which include Natural Anti-Mosquito Patches, BodyGuard Herbal Mosquito Repellent Fabric Roll On, etc. Other than this, BodyGuard offers hygiene and protection solutions like N99 and N95 masks, disinfectant spray, sanitizers, wipes, etc. The company has been spreading awareness about the importance of hygiene since 2015.

Commenting on the launch, Founder and CEO, Deep Bajaj said, “BodyGuard has added Natural Mosquito Repellent Cream to its portfolio of mosquito solutions to cater to different problem points of its customers. It is skin-safe and can be applied on the go. Moreover, with the mosquito breeding season at its peak, it offers a much-needed solution for the current scenario where more people have started moving around.”

Founder and CEO, Deep Bajaj

BodyGuard, the protection and wellness range from Sirona, aims to protect you and your family from disease-causing agents even in a polluted or mosquito-ridden environment. Employing the best ingredients in its innovative products, it focuses on preventive hygiene policy. Considering the current crisis, the brand has ramped up its approach by targeting your micro, yet critical germ and hygiene concerns proactively. With its promise to protect, BodyGuard is equipping you to take control of your immediate surroundings.



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