Ayurveda tips to boost immunity and avoid auto immune problems

Ayurveda tips to boost immunity and avoid auto immune problems, this winter!

Immunity is our body’s defence mechanism which helps us to stay fit and healthy. A good immune system protects us from many allergies, inflammations and keeps us healthy.

Immune system,which is known as Ojas in Ayurveda digest and absorbs everything we eat. These nutrients absorbed get converted into seven main tissues like plasma, blood, muscles, bones, fat, etc. and act as the nectar of our metabolic cycle, like a reserve. In Ayurveda, we strongly believe that the body’s immune power works as our mental, physical, and emotional defence mechanism. So, if our immune system is strong, we can avoid infections and allergies, not only at a physical level, but also avoid getting stressed, remains strong and emotionally balanced.

Ayurveda tips to boost immunity and avoid auto immune problems,

Our immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks our own cells causing inflammation in the joints, skin, nervous system, liver, kidney, or respiratory system. These are called Auto-Immune problems. To avoid auto-immune problems and boost our immune system, below are some tips and diet which can be followed, naturally without any side effects:

  • Avoid Wheat, Diary products, Sour, Fermented foods and Red meat completely – to avoid infections and inflations.
  • Drink natural juice mixture regularly to keep the immune system strong and defend infections and inflations

Recipe for the Juice

Carrots – 4 nos.

Beetroot – 1 no

Apple/pomegranate – 1 no.

Turmeric powder – 1 tsp.

Black pepper – ¼ tsp.

Blend them and drink daily

  • To calm down the hyper-active immune problem, have this drink:

Take dry or fresh pomegranate peel ½

Cut into very small pieces,

Add 2 glass of water.

Boil it and make it ½ glass.

Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

Drink this mixture 2-3 times a day for effective results.

  • Practice Pranayama daily – To create a robust immune system do anulom vilom pranayamawith the help yoga instructors, or any guide. You can also refer to our Ayushakti YouTube videos for guidance
  • Increase intake of herbal supplements – To prevent frequent allergies, infections and inflammations it is essential to intake powerful herbal supplement to naturally balance immune system. Our newly launched Swasavin D-Vyro tablet contains herbal extracts for optimum effects.

For chronic deep routed immune imbalances, it is important to take powerful herbal formulas to get log lasting results. Diet and lifestyle changes can help us prevent new problems. But herbal formulas can repair at the cellular level, healing the old impact of auto immune or immune deficiency.

To nourish our immune system detoxification is the best way in Ayurveda. When toxins are removed, the rejuvenation process works very well in the body and boosting the immune system naturally. Ayurveda has immune boosting herbs like Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia), Kalmegh (Andrographis Paniculatus), Dadim (Pomegranate) Tulsi (Basil leaves) which are scientifically proven in many studies for its remarkable effectiveness.

With one step at a time, we can all work towards making our immunity strong and boost it.

Dr. Smita Naram

Dr. Smita Naram



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