Corona coronation – enlightenment from Ayurveda.

Corona coronation – enlightenment from Ayurveda. It is high time for all the medical faculty from all the branches to stand together to show their solidarity in controlling, preventing & eradicating any form of pandemic, epidemic or any communicable diseases.

Corona coronation - enlightenment from Ayurveda.There are innumerable bacterias, viruses, & protozoans which infect the animals and humans, however, in their favourable environment. It is a continuous biological war between humans and the invisible to naked eyes living beings, that is microscopic living beings. Some time human beings win (strong immunity, perfect treatment) either by preventive measures or by curative measures or in other times, microscopic living beings win (manifestation of disease, increased morbidity & mortality in humans) with their survival strength in any media of environment.

In the present scenario, the whole world is facing the COVID-19 crisis in the form of morbidity and mortality without any permanent treatment. Bio-scientists are working hard to invent vaccine for the same but without any futility. Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is a communicable disease began by a newly rundown corona virus. At this particular moment, there are no exact vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. Nevertheless, there are various enduring clinical trials gauging possible treatments.

The virus that roots COVID-19 is mostly communicated over droplets created when an infected individual coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets are too thick to hang in the air, and swiftly drop on floors or surfaces. Peoples can be diseased by breathing in the virus if they are nearby COVID-19 patients, or coming into contact with contaminated surface and then their eyes, nose or mouth.

What is Corona and Coronation?

Corona viral disease began its attack in the year 2019, so the name COVID-19. The virus got its name because of its crown (corona means a part of the body resembling or likened to a crown.) like structure, as shown in the picture.

‘Corona’ a Latin word which means a garland, crown

In astronomy it is the luminous plasma atmosphere of the Sun or other star, extending millions of kilometres into space, most easily seen during a total solar eclipse.

In biology, it is crown-like appendage of a plant or animal.

In electricity, corona means discharge

In architecture, corona means the large, flat, projecting member of a cornice which crowns the entablature.

A ‘round pendent’ or a ‘chandelier’ is called corona.

 Coronation means,

1. The observance of crowning an ascendant or a sovereign’s consort

2. A ceremony at which a individual is made monarch.

3. The ceremony to unveil.

4. The ceremony of obtaining imperial or regal power.

Now I would like to define, ‘COVID-19 Corona Coronation’ as unveiling the corona virus from the human beings & making human beings, either king or queen of their life, through application of Ayurvedic principles along with principles of all the systems of medical science.

कदाचिदव्यापन्नेष्वपि ऋतुषु कृत्याभिशापरक्षःक्रोधाधर्मैरुपध्वस्यन्ते  जनपदाः

विषौषधिपुष्पगन्धेन वा वायुनोपनीतेनाक्रम्यते यो देशस्तत्र दोषप्रकृत्यविशेषेण 

कासश्वासवमथुप्रतिश्यायशिरोरुग्ज्वरैरुपतप्यन्ते ग्रहनक्षत्रचरितैर्वा

गृहदारशयनासनयानवाहनमणिरत्नोपकरणगर्हितलक्षणनिमित्तप्रादुर्भावैर्वा ||१९||

                                                                                सुश्रुतसंहिता सूत्रस्थानम् – . ऋतुचर्याध्यायः

Sutra form shloka is simplified in Sanskrit by our Dalhancharya as follows,

कदाचिन्न सर्वकालम् | सोऽयं दोषचयादिरव्यापन्नेषु ऋतुषु भवतीति |

कृत्या कुपितमन्त्रिणोऽभिचारकर्मजनितो राक्षसीविशेषः,

सर्वराष्ट्रच्छेद्यभिचारः, अभिचारस्त्वेकपुरुषव्यापादक एव; अभिशापो गुरुसिद्धादीनामाक्रोशः;

रक्षांसि हिंसाविहाराणि हेतिप्रहेतिकुलजातानि, तेषां क्रधो रक्षःक्रोधः;

अधर्मः कायवाङ्मनसां दुश्चरितम्|

उपध्वस्यन्ते उपदूयन्ते| जनपदा लोकाः| विषौषधिपुष्पगन्धेनेत्यादि  |

विषाणामोषधीनां  यानि पुष्पाणि तेषां गन्धेन|

वायुनोपनीतेन वायुना समीपमानीतेन; तेन ये श्वासकासादयस्तैरुपतप्यन्ते जनपदाः|

ओषधयः सुविलिन्दवृक्षादयः|

 ‘कासश्वासप्रतिश्यायगन्धाज्ञानभ्रमशिरोरुग्ज्वरमसूरिकादिभिरुपतप्यन्ते इति,

व्याख्यानयन्ति  तत्र नासारन्ध्रानुगतेन वायुना  कासश्वासप्रतिश्यायगन्धाज्ञानभ्रमशिरोरुजः,

त्वगिन्द्रियगतेन ज्वरमसूरिकादयः|

ग्रहनक्षत्रचरितैर्वेति ग्रहाणां शनैश्चरादीनां  गर्हितस्थानस्थितानां प्रचारो ग्रहचरितं;

नक्षत्राणि अश्विन्यादीनि,  तेषां चरितमुल्कापातादिभिर्जन्मनक्षत्राभिहननम्|

गृहदारेत्यादि गृहादीनां यानि गर्हितानि निन्दितानि लक्षणानि चिह्नानि

तन्निमित्तं प्रादुर्भाव उत्पत्तिर्येषां व्याधीनां तैर्वा उपतप्यन्ते जनपदाः,

दारा भार्याः, शयनं खट्वा, आसनं पीठं, यानं दोलारथादि,  वाहनं हस्त्यश्वादि, मणिः स्फटिकादिः;

गृहादयो मणिपर्यन्तास्त एव रत्नानीति समासः,

अन्यथा मणिरत्नयोरेकार्थत्वात्  पुनरुक्तता स्यात्; अन्ये तु मणयः

सर्पादीनां प्रशस्तावयवविशेषाः,  रत्नानि माणिक्यादीनि,

उपकरणानि घटपिठरशूर्पादीनि; अथवा गृहादीन्येवोपकरणानि|

अन्ये तु गृहदारेत्यादिगद्ये गृहदारशब्दौ निमित्तशब्दं  परित्यज्य

शयनासनयानवाहनमणिरत्नोपकरणगर्हितलक्षणप्रादुर्भावैर्वा इति पठन्ति||१९||

                                                                                        निबन्धसङ्ग्रह व्याख्या (डल्हण कृत)

The meaning of this sutra form of shloka goes like this – whichever generation or whenever, there is aggravation or disturbances in season (avyapanna rutu), a place or country or nation, or our environment, due to excess of cruelty or inhumanity (kukratya, abhishapa, araksha, krodha, adharma),  leads to upadwamsa (destruction) of janapada (large community).

The polluted environment exhibits its effect on medicine, flowers (through smell) & wind. In turn to this, they pollute desha (country/geographical area/environment), gruha (planets/universe), nakshatra (stars), gruha dara (houses, domestic things handled by house wives & buildings), shayana (beds), asana ( chairs & stools), yana (travelling by motor cycles, auto-rickshaw, cars, taxis, buses, trains, aeroplanes), vahana ( travelling through animals-elephant, horse), mani – ratnas (jewels of mineral or animal origin), upakarana (domestic objects – utencils & other house hold things). Again these spread the pollution throughout the country.

This pollution through vayu (air) when inhaled, exhibits clinical features such as,

1. Kasa कास (cough),

2. Shwasa श्वास (chronic & acute respiratory disorders),

3. Pratishyaya प्रतिश्याय(cold & running nose),

4. गन्धाज्ञानभ्रमreduced or loss of sensation of smell.

5. Vamathu (vomiting or diarrhoea)

6. शिरोरुग्ज्वर Shiroruja ( headache), jwara (fever)

7. मसूरिकादिभित्वगिन्द्रियगतेन ज्वरमसूरिकादयः| – skin eruptions like masurika (small-pox)


8. रुपतप्यन्तेUpataptata (vitiated)

This shloka form principle is applicable in the present condition of COVID – 19.

The disease COVID-19 is pandemic, spreading through contact with respiratory droplets through air. Clinical features ranges from common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome. Other features like fever, diarrhoea, skin lesions have been reported.

Treatment is difficult. In India Hydroxy chloroquin has given maximum positive result. However in USA, results are not much positive. In India, along with the medicine, plasma therapy is adopted. In the form of management, Social distancing, Quarantine, Maintainance of hygiene, Lock-down, perseverance in all situation have helped in reducing the cases of COVID-19. Scientists are working hard to prepare the vaccine against corona virus. India will succeed in invention of vaccine.

From ancient time, our tradition believes in vasudaiva kutumbakam & sarve janaha sukhino bhavantu. In Ayurveda all our acharyas have written the janapadodhwansa (destruction of people & living this in mass due to epidemic, pandemic diseases &  natural calamities),  the principles of treatment, life style modifications which holds good in the present era also.


In Sushrutha Samhitha, sutra sthana 6th chapter Rutucharya, Acharya Sushrutha has explained the following management of rutu vyapad janapada vyadhi in sutra form in following shloka.

तत्रस्थानपरित्यागशान्तिकर्मप्रायश्चित्तमङ्गलजपहोमोपहारेज्याञ्जलिनमस्कारतपोनियम– दयादानदीक्षाभ्युपगमदेवताब्राह्मणगुरुपरैर्भवितव्यम्एवं साधु भवति ||२०||

The management which is in shloka form is translated as follows,

1. स्थानपरित्यागleaving the polluted area or place or country, or quarantine (self or

              mass quarantine).

2. शान्तिकर्मशान्तिरिन्द्रियविजयः,अथवा वेदोक्तमन्त्रैर्यजनादिकं; control over sensory & motor organs. It is done by reciting the mantras mentioned in Vedas. For this one has to get rid of 6 arishad vargas namely – Kama (selfish-desire), Krodha (anger or aggravation), Lobha (selfish – over collection), Moha (obscessiveness), Mada (self highlighting/ego), Matsara (jealous). By eradicating these one can remain cool & calm in any situation.

3. प्रायश्चित्तमङ्गलप्रायश्चित्तंप्राक्तनकर्मोपशमार्थं स्मार्तवचनेन चान्द्रायणादि,

                       अथवा प्रायो नाम तपः प्रोक्तं चित्तं निश्चय उच्यते|

              प्रायश्चित्तं   Prayaschitta – Repairing self done wrong deeds or or aligning the

                                -de-alignment. It is done by practicing the, routine code of conduct

                                 -mentioned in Ayurveda. Practicing & following the rules laid-down by

                              -our Honourable prime minister & our state government, comes under this.

4. जपहोमोपहारेजप ओङ्कारपूर्वकमृग्यजुःसामावर्तनं;

                    होमो लक्षकोटिप्रयुतोपलक्षितः;

                    उपहारः देवादिषु गवाश्वप्रभृतीनामुपा()यनम्

 जप Japa – Daily practicing the recitation of our sanatana mantra omkar, meditation

            (Concentration of mind & heart from mooladhara chakra to sahasrar & ajnya chakra,

              -along with controlled breathing pattern of exhaling & inhaling.) This helps in

               improving our own physical mind  & body.

होम Homa – Mass purification of air by practicing & worshiping lord Agni. Pouring

                                    -grains, clarified butter, milk, incense and seeds in fire as a sacrifice.

                                   This applies to air purification.

उपहारः Upahara – staying near to gods, cows, or horses. This can be applied to

                                         – quarantine near the domestic animals. Domestic animals are

                                           said to be protective to humans like body guards. Best example of

                                           this is small pox vaccine.

5. रेज्याञ्जलिनमस्कारइज्यायागः;    

          अञ्जलिः भक्त्या करसम्पुटविधानं; नमस्कारो देवद्विजगुरुभ्यः कायवाङ्मानसः प्रणामः;

    इज्या यागः Ijya Yaga – surrendering completely to god. This removes the stress.

        अञ्जलिः Anjali   “divine offering” in handful of water, flowers.

     नमस्कार Namaskara – anjali mudra.

         Practising these removes stress keeps one humble & peaceful.

6. तपोनियमतपः तापनालक्षणमुपवासादि; नियमः शास्त्रोदितो विधिर्मौनादिः,

         तपः नियमः  meditation and self-discipline, Tapas practice often involves solitude.

                Which is a spiritual practice as it increases the inner strength. And it

                               also helps in obtaining social distancing.

7. दयादानदीक्षाभ्युपगमदेवताब्राह्मणगुरुपरैर्भवितव्यम्

           दया प्राणिषु कृपा; दानं यथाविभवं वित्तविसर्गः; दीक्षा गुरुतो मन्त्रादिग्रहणं;

      अभ्युपगमः गुरुवाक्यादीनामङ्गीकारः;

  दया  दानं  दीक्षा अभ्युपगमः connect with fellow humans  and other living things

                                           through a bridge of universal love and care for each other.

                         Helping & sharing food, money with each other.

                                                  Learning new things from guru (one who shares

                                                   -knowledge for benefit of all).

                                             Accepting and practicing the methods of helper human chain.

8. साधुभवति – एवं साधु भवति एवं कुशलं भवतीत्यर्थः||२०||

Skilful & wise management of avyapanna rutu janya janopadadwamsa by following, the above mentioned methods itself is sadhu that is good for all. Practicing the work-deeds, which are, timely helpful to one-self & others as well.

modi-corona-Our proud honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji has taken timely decision of national lockdown to combat COVID-19 a quarantine of the patients. Now it is high time for all the medical faculty from all the branches to stand together to show their solidarity in controlling, preventing & eradicating any form of pandemic, epidemic or any communicable diseases.

Allopathy system is managing with emergency curative treatment – plasma therapy, hydroxyl-chloroquin therapy and emergency treatment. Ayurveda system is managing with curative as well as preventive treatments in the form of -shaman, shodhana therapies. The other treatment modalities like dhoopana (fumigation) of homes, buildings, open air with vishaghna dravyas along the ghee, cowdung plates in the form of agnihotra or homa or yaaga. Sandhaneeya kalpanas – Asava Arishta can act bilaterally on mental & diseased condition.

Curative treatments are as follows,

1. Pancha karma therapies- Vamana-medical vomiting therapy, Virechana-medical purgation therapy, Basthi-medical enema therapy, Nasya karma- medicated nasal drops therapy, Raktha mokshana-bloodletting therapy.

2. Nasya karma– Avachurnana, Avapeedana, Dhuma.

3. Prakshalana – mukha, netra, gudha, yoni.

4. Gandoosh & Kavalagruha– medicated oil pulling & medicated gargling

5. Pratisarana – medicated cream application

6. Dhoomrapana – medicated smoking therapy.

7. Abhyanga– medicated oil/powder massage

8. Swedana – medicated sudation

9. Satvavajaya chikitsa-mental, emotional, spiritual treatment.

10. Oral medicines – guduchi, ashwgandha, tulsi, haritaki, amalaki and other herbal & mineral oral medicines.

 Preventive measures are as follows,

1.  Early rising from sleep between 3am to 6am. Practicing omkara recitation, mudra pranayam, mudra meditation, surya namaskar/exercises followed by walking in the presence of early morning sun.

2. Kavalagraha with triphala kwatha/panchavalkala kwath – twice daily

3.  Pratimarsha nasya karma with anutaila/ pure coconut oil/cow’s ghee

4. Abhyanga with coconut oil/ksheera bala taila/murivenna taila

5.  Snana that is bath with medicated water & powders/soap.

6. Dhoopana with leaves or bark of Neem, daily in their houses.

7. Rasayana – swamala compound, chyavan prash and avalehas can be advised to take on daily basis. There are innumerable rasayanas in Ayurveda.

8. Food & Nutrition- timely consuming the rice, sambhar, chapathi, roti, idli, seasonal vegetables, curd rice, buttermilk, seasonal fruits and other traditional food.

9. Good night sleep following the principle early to sleep, early to rise.

10. Vyayama – omkara recitation, mudra pranayam, mudra meditation, surya namaskar/exercises followed by walking in the presence of early morning sun/Walking in presence of moon, either in cool park/in front of the house.

Ultimately everyone has to reach the health goal.

Yoga & naturopathy can manage with omkara recitation, asanas (especially surya namaskara) and mudra pranayam, to maintain mental and physical health. There are good number of Homeopathy, Unani & Siddha medicines to boost the immunity.

Acharya Sushrutha has defined health in the following shloka,

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातुमलक्रियः |
प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनाः स्वस्थ इत्यभिधीयते ||४१||

सुश्रुतसंहिता  सूत्रस्थानम् – १५. दोषधातुमलक्षयवृद्धिविज्ञानीयाध्यायः

When there is, equilibrium & homeostatic state of doshas, agnis, dhatus, malas in their structural & functional state respectively, satiation in sensory-emotional system & up to the core of the person’s body (atma), the condition is named as swastha-healthy. This is the need of the hour, months and years. This health legacy has to be passed on to next generation. Sama means homeostasis in body & equilibrium in mind.

In this hour of our national biological war with corona & other micro-organism, we the doctors have to stand together irrespective of the system we practice. Doctors with integrity of their system can have the capacity to defeat the biological enemies at different levels-curative, preventive, maintainance of lifestyle, immune system boosting. Thus we can bring back the success of health for all.

Come on

Medical faculty of all the system & all the members of

Vasudaiva kutumbakam,

Come each & every one of us join as a warrior

To unveil the virus universe & obtain the imperial power,

To eradicate the biological sufferings/disease


To bring back the glory of health chandelier

For all the members of ‘Vasudaiva kutumbakam’  

To glow like a empirical crown

 ‘This is corona coronation’.


Dr. Bharathi D. Anvekar

Professor and Consultant

Dept of Shalya tantra, Prasuthi Tantra & Stree-Roga

S.D. M. Institute of Ayurveda & Hospital 

Anchepalya, Bengaluru –  560074 

Ph: 097418 97124 Mob:9886410690



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