National deworming day –  Naturopathic cleanse diet!

National deworming day is observed on February 10th. If deworming is ignored, these worms have the ability to form cysts in the liver and lungs leading to pneumonia and other neurological conditions. Worm infestation is common among children and intestinal worm infections have a direct impact on a child’s growth and development.

National deworming day -  Naturopathic cleanse diet!

Intestinal worm infections have a direct impact on a child’s nutritional health and are a significant health risk. “An intestinal worm infection (the three main ones are roundworm, hookworm and whipworm) is often not immediately evident and symptoms could include sudden weight loss, stomach pain, loose motions, weakness, fever, vomiting and over a period of time can lead to anemia and malabsorption (where the child’s body does not get sufficient nutrients as nutrients are being absorbed by the worms) which then impacts the growth and development of the child.

Worm infestation is common among children as they affect their growth and development. Similarly, they can affect adults as well. Even though in most cases, worm infestation is not a life-threatening infection it can lead to various clinical problems. Therefore, deworming is important both in kids and adults.” Open defecation and unhygienic handwashing practices lead to the spread of these parasitic worms into the soil or fruits and vegetables which can then find their way into other people who consume this. Adult cases of intestinal worms usually arise out of eating street foods or improperly washed vegetables or uncooked meat. Treatment is usually simple, but early identification, particularly in children is important to prevent growth deficiencies and infant mortality.

If deworming is ignored, these worms have the ability to form cysts in the liver and lungs leading to pneumonia and other neurological conditions. Although there is an increased amount of awareness worldwide about deworming among children, deworming among adults also requires more attention. Infections due to certain worms may lead to loss of iron from the blood resulting in anaemia. Pregnant women are at high risk due to worm infection as they may develop anaemia during pregnancy leading to multiple problems for the foetus. Some of the most important ways to improve hygiene are washing hands before eating and after using the toilet; using sanitised toilets; keeping the surroundings clean and ensuring nails hygiene.

National deworming day -  Naturopathic cleanse diet!

Natural home remedies that will help you detoxify your system – worm infestation

1. Raw Papayas

Papayas are known to be extremely good for the stomach, as well as in preventing intestinal worms. The enzyme papain has anthelmintic properties that work against the parasite. You can use the raw flesh, seeds as well as the leaves.

How to use: Take 1 Tbsp of fresh raw papaya juice, add 3-4 Tbsp hot water,5ml of ginger and a drizzle of honey. Drink it early morning on an empty stomach. Grind papaya seeds into a fine powder and have it with a glass of warm water or milk, or sprinkle it in your glass of smoothie. You can boil the leaves in warm water, strain the mixture and have the filtrate along with water.

2. Lotus Stem

In many cultures, lotus is considered a sacred plant, and for good reason. It has many health benefiting properties, right from the root to the flower.”In Chinese tradition, fresh lotus stem is considered sweet and cooling, and is used to counteract summer dryness and horrid heat.” Lotus roots have dietary fibre, vitamin C, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, copper and manganese.

How to use: Extract 2 Tbsp juice from fresh lotus roots and have it along with a drizzle of honey and a tspn of turmeric on an empty stomach, early in the morning.(OR)Drink a glass of water by adding 2 tbspn of isabgol before bed.

3. Coconut

Another ingredient which I commonly recommend when one suffers from stomach ailments is coconut. Coconut water works wonders in clearing toxins from the system and cooling it down. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid which has anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial properties.

How to use: Take 1 Tbsp of grated coconut with 3 boiled garlic in the breakfast, followed by a glass of warm milk with 1 Tbsp castor oil after three hours. Or you can have 3-4 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil daily.

4. Pomegranate

Another miracle ingredient that works wonders for the heart and overall health is pomegranate. The bark of pomegranate tree contains an alkaloid called punicine, which has anthelmintic properties that help in getting rid of intestinal worms.

How to use: “Boil the bark in water, remove from flame and then let it rest overnight. Strain the water and drink it on an empty stomach early in the morning. Drinking fresh pomegranate juice by adding a tspn of dry turkey berry powder can also help keep your system working efficiently.

5. Pineapple

Pineapple is a favourite tropical fruit and it comes with a host of health benefits. It is especially good for the stomach, aiding natural digestion and curing constipation. It contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain that is known to help in the breakdown of protein and combat intestinal worms.

How to use: Have fresh pineapple juice by adding a tspn of wheatgrass powder early morning on an empty stomach.

6. Neem Leaves

 Neem leaves are rich in antibacterial properties. The best way to keep your gut safe and healthy is to chew a few neem leaves on an empty stomach. They not only improve digestion but also destroy bad bacteria in the intestinal region.


7. Clove

Best, cloves are known for killing microscopic parasites and parasitic larvae and eggs. They contain eugenol, the most powerful killing agent that is highly effective in killing bacteria related to malaria, tuberculosis, and cholera.

8.Cucumber seeds

Cucumber seeds are known for removing tapeworms within the digestive tract. For effective results, one should always eat these seeds on an empty stomach or grind them to a fine powder and use in a smoothie.

How to use: Drink a glass of bermoda grass juice by adding a tbspn of cucumber seeds and drizzle a honey and drink early in the morning.

9. Pumpkin seeds

They contain curcurbitin, a compound that has anti-parasitic properties and has the capacity to paralyze worms in the intestine and the digestive tract.

How to use: Drink a glass of bittergourd juice by adding a tspn of pumpkin seeds powder and honey in the mid-morning helps to kill the parasites.


Dr. Nandhini V Mohan 


THANJAVUR – 613001





FB ACCOUNT:Dr.Nandhini V Mohan-Nature for health


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