Pimples: Types, Treatment and Prevention

Pimples: Types, Treatment and Prevention 

It is not easy to remove pimples. The amount of time it takes for a pimple to go away can depend on how severe it is, and how a person treats it. No one can remove it overnight. Treatment and proper preventive measures are required and take time to work and completely heal. There are many types of pimples also known as acne/blemishes/breakout/bumps and knowing their differences can sometimes be tough. But majorly, there are six different types of pimples which really plagues your complexion-

1. Whiteheads – One of the most typical forms of acne that appears on the skin as small or medium bumps, usually whitish or skin-tone in color. It occurs when a pore becomes clogged with a mix of dead skin cells and sebum. It should not be removed or fixed by squeezing them, so don’t try to pop them on your own. Otherwise, you may end up with scarring.

2. Blackheads – Unlike whiteheads, blackheads are known as open comedones because the head of the pore remains open to the air. The clogs change color when they come into contact with oxygen, which gives them their dark appearance. Try to avoid using pore strips to pull out blackheads. Pore strips are an abrasive, temporary fix that can damage the top layer of your skin, making acne worse.

3. Papules These are the swollen red bumps that develop when excess oil and dead skin cells clog your pores. Papules are more painful than whiteheads or blackheads, but not as bad as nodules or cysts. You can treat them with drying lotions or spot treatments.

4) Pustules  Small, bulging bumps with a white center and red, inflamed skin surrounding them. They are usually found in clusters on the chest, face, or back. Popping pustules may cause the bacteria to spread, so don’t try to pop or squeeze them. Antibiotics are always recommended in order to get rid of the bacteria-filled pus.

5) Cysts It’s a severe acne problem filled with pus or other liquids and feel soft to the touch. Cystic acne is common along the face and jawline, or even as bacne. Caused by the usual trifecta of excess oil, dead skin, and bacteria, cysts are a particularly stubborn form of breakout, lingering for weeks or even months.



  • Evaluate cause of Acne
  • Tropical Creams
  • Antibiotics
  • Hormonal treatment
  • Isotretinoin
  • Peels
  • Diet



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