Boosting Immunity: An Eternal Armour to Protect from Infection

Boosting Immunity: An Eternal Armour to Protect from Infection

 Vaccines are on the way with unproven efficacy; however, immunity-boosting is a time-tested mantra to escape the infection and stay healthy

While the world is gearing up for possible vaccines against Coronavirus, the best option is to simultaneously build up the body’s immune system. It is still not sure how long the vaccine’s effect would work and the population may need booster doses, but a strong immune system would help the process to maintain the effect for longer periods.

Building up the body’s immune system has been the forte of India’s ancient and time-tested system of Ayurveda. This traditional system of health worked on the prime principle on preventing the onset of diseases by strengthening the immune system rather than waiting for diseases to step in. To strengthen the immune system, the role of Ayurveda Rasayana herbs, and, in modern times, Super Rasayana have been found the block-busters. Ayurveda Rasayanas contain rejuvenating anti-oxidant and immunomodulatory herbs.

Anand-ShrivastavaAnand Shrivastava, Chairman, Maharishi Ayurveda:  “To combat the onslaught of viruses like COVID-19 we need to rely on the old dictum — ‘prevention is better than cure’ and build strong immunity levels. In this regard, Ayurveda provides ways for evolving physiological responses to build immunity. Recently, we have seen how people with impaired immunity are found to be more susceptible to COVID-19. Strong immunity turns out to be a tilting factor in preventing as well as curing diseases.” 

Research on how immuno-modulator herbs (Rasayanas) work are currently on in various universities and labs across the world. However, since ancient times, these Rasayanas have proven to shore up the body’s immune system.

Boosting Immunity: An Eternal Armour – “Routine precautions and healthy lifestyle mantras are the basic templates, but, besides all these, the role of Ayurvedic Rasayanas has been found to be pivotal in adding ‘muscles’ to one’s immunity levels. The role of Rasayanas in strengthening the immune system is immense at all levels — preventing COVID-19, during COVID-19 and post COVID-19,” adds Mr Shrivastava.

Boosting Immunity: An Eternal ArmourUsing Ayurvedic herbs has now been accepted globally in improving the immune system. And products like Amrit Kalash have proved to be the best in rebooting one’s immune system. This amongst most effective immune boosting Rasayanas contains hand-picked herbs from the Himalayas that are processed under strictly controlled methods.

Products like Maharishi Amrit Kalash that captured the attention of the market during the COVID-19 spread has a unique combination of 53 time-tested natural herbs. It is proven through about 100 scientific studies conducted internationally that Rasayanas improve the functioning of all organs.

“A well-researched Rasayana can work in a multi-directional manner to boost immunity and maintain physical balance. It has the characteristics to increase or decrease some aspect of the bodily processes to create the perfect balance. It can also work in a multi-directional manner to help the bodily processes regain stability and maintain it for the long-term. Its role has been underscored during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Dr Saurabh Sharma, Medical Superintendent, Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital.

He adds further,“Also, a well-researched Rasayana has a vital impact on the immune system. It is key to prevent any illness. It is obvious that if the defence mechanism of an individual is enhanced with any effective Ayurvedic Rasayana, then he or she will be able to cope with the infection faster and with much fewer damages.”

Maharishi Amrit Kalash balances the three ayurvedic principles of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which govern vital activities of the mind and body, right from circulation and digestion to respiration and emotions. It boosts all three mental abilities recognised in Ayurveda: dhi — learning; dhriti — retention; and smriti — recall. It enhances the innate intelligence of the body and boosts Immunity slows premature ageing, improves vitality, de-stresses, detoxifies and improves mental alertness by restoring your inner balance better than anyone else.

Recently, for the outstanding contribution in Immunity boosting during the tough time of COVID-19,  Maharishi Ayurveda bagged Immunity Booster of the Year Award-2020 at the Immunity Champions of India Awards organised by the HEAL Foundation.

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