The FAST strategy is the best way to identify strokes

The FAST strategy is the best way to identify strokes and it is critical to raise mass awareness about the symptoms of a stroke.


A stroke happens when blood supply to the brain is reduced or interrupted. There are mainly two types of strokes, ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke is caused due to the blockage of blood vessels while a hemorrhagic stroke occurs due to a rupture of the blood vessel causing a decrease of blood circulation to the brain.

As per the 2016 – Global Burden of Disease Study, only one-fourth of stroke patients reach a medical care center within six hours of suffering the symptoms. Distance from a hospital, contact with a local doctor, and low-threat perceptions of symptoms were mentioned as independent factors for delay in arrival. Hence, it is critical to raise mass awareness about the symptoms of a stroke.


The FAST (facial drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulties, and time to call emergency services) strategy is the best way to remember and identify strokes. Other symptoms include slurred speech/difficulty in speaking, weakness of limbs, deviation of angle of the mouth, headache, and unconsciousness.

Strokes can be identified easily through a CT scan. It is also more efficient when differentiating between an ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke when compared with an MRI scan. Quick identification and diagnosis ensures that the treatment can also start at the earliest. The best way to prevent strokes is by following a healthy lifestyle, such as controlling one’s blood sugar, blood pressure, and taking anti platelet medication.


Dr. Sanjeev Kanoria, Founder
Suasth Hospital,Navi Mumbai

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